[hider= Haydrian Cindel] Name: Haydrian Cindel Age: 32 Physical Description: Tall and skinny, sandy blonde hair, pale skin, dark blue eyes. 6'7", 200 lbs. Important items: Smartphone, Desktop computer, P90, and embalming kit. Short Bio: Haydrian has had a long-time fascination with death and politics. Not exactly the sort of thing you'd expect a fourteen-year-old boy to spend their time thinking about, but what can you do, at least that’s what his parents use to say. His parents worried about his strange fascination with death and nurtured his interest in politics. They taught Haydrian their personal beliefs about the state of the government, attempting to feed his hunger for political knowledge. They assumed they were helping mold his opinions to match their own, but Haydrian had no intention of following their political agendas. Yes, he listened to what they had to say with rapt attention, but only so that he could dissect the meanings behind their words. He thought it important to understand people and what they believed in. After all, how would he ever be able to unite a world he didn’t understand? Despite his unique interests, Haydrian was never an outcast. You would never have called him popular per se, but he was never without his “Patchwork Posy”, as he referred to them. This was and is a group of close friends that Haydrian accumulated/accumulates wherever he might be. In high school its ranks held the popular and the sideliners, and today is no different. He chose to make friends from every walk of life available to him and growing up in New York city gave him plenty of walks to access. He was considered a very influential power in his school, though no one can point to any specific thing that he had a part in making happen. Once out of high school Haydrian did the exact opposite of what was expected of him. He became an Assistant at a local Morgue. His parents were devastated. What had become of his bright future as a leader of nations? Everyone not within his inner circle was confused, but if those closest to him were asked their opinion on his choice in career they would often shrug and say, “Haydrian does what he does, and I’ve got no reason to worry about it.”. The truth was they knew something others didn’t. They understood how Haydrians mind worked, and more importantly they knew his plans. Haydrian had no intention of being in the spotlight any time soon, as far as he was concerned, he wasn’t yet ready to step into politics. With so many things yet to learn about people, what better place to meet them and come to understand their inner workings than a Morgue? Here he saw people at their most vulnerable and learned to comfort and console the un-consolable, whoever they might be. He became known for his silver tongue by his co- workers, all of whom had a healthy respect and fear of the boy become man. Respect because he was genuinely good at what he did, and fear because of his nightly habits. They wouldn’t go so far as to call him a Necrophiliac, after all he had never done anything explicitly wrong with a corpse. He talked to them mostly, shake their hands and pretend like he was getting to know them. Worse than this though were the long hours he would spend simply staring at the bodies. It unnerved anyone who watched. Haydrian worked his way up the ladder at the Morgue for a few years, eventually ceasing all interaction with the living customers, preferring instead to spend his time with the corpses. Few of his co-workers questioned him, leaving him to do the work that none of them particularly cared for anyway. His confidants still seamed unshaken by Haydrian’s strange tendencies, still shrugging off questions asked by others. Everyone was so preoccupied with his more eccentric behavior that they missed the more important and elaborate things going on behind the scenes. It hadn’t taken long for Haydrians circle of influence to grow to envelope people in positions of power. It was at about that point that Haydrian stopped seeing living customers. He began establishing himself in both the legitimate business world, and the black market. He never did anything to shady, but he wasn’t above illegal activity if it furthered his goals. And so his life progressed for some time, uneventful to those not in the know, and never a dull moment for those on the inside. Those close confidants honestly didn’t think that anything could make their lives more exciting or meaningful. Until Haydrian came to them and told them about a dream he had had. He told them he’d just finished a meeting with one of their contacts down at the docks and had resumed stitching up the corpse he was working on. It had been a long night, and so wasn’t surprised when he started seeing things. He said it started with the lights, they began to flicker unpredictably. Then they went out altogether. He was so tired he didn’t even stop his work but continued sewing. It was then that he saw the glow. It was a reflection in the metal table he worked on, showing a blue glow of light from behind him. Haydrian turned. He told them he would never forget what he saw. Scattered around the room, floating and drifting aimlessly were what appeared to be glowing blue people. Ghosts, he’d thought, they’re real. It was then that he fainted from exhaustion. In his sleep he continued to see things. Two winged women appeared before him in the middle of a vast dark hall, the light emanating from them the only illumination to be seen. The walls and floors were black and glistened like obsidian. One woman glowed white, and the other glowed with an eerie blackness that defied logic. In sync the both stretched out one hand and said, “Choose.”. Three fire appeared around the two, circling them slowly. One was kindled by the bones and flesh of the living, another by the material of this world, and the last by the winds of change. Haydrian couldn’t describe what they looked like; he only knew what they stood for. The women began to fade, the fires leaving them and circling Haydrian instead, uttering one last phrase, “Choose your path.”. It was in that moment that Haydrian knew what they meant. They represented good, and evil and they wanted him to decide which of them he would follow. That made things simple. He smiled and said, “Neither.” And reached out and grabbed all three flames. It was then that he woke up, unsure if what had happened was a dream of not. He reached up to pull himself off of the ground, brushing against the corpse he had been working on as he did so. He felt something akin to the sparking sensation of static electricity as their skin met. As Haydrian reached his feet he brushed off his clothing and then saw something out of the corner of his eye. Movement. His friends laughed; certain this story was only meant as a joke to scare them. But Haydrian wasn’t smiling. He stepped to side and everyone stopped laughing. In walked the body of a man, a smiling happy looking man. With his chest half sewn closed and his stomach partly hanging out. Everyone sat down and looked at Haydrian expectantly. Skills/Flaws: Charisma: Haydrian is practiced in the art of human manipulation. Embalming: Haydrian is an expert in all embalmment techniques and can stitch up bodies that most would expect to be closed casket funerals. Tunnel Vision: Haydrian has a hard time focusing on anything not pertaining to his life long goals, and he often misses important details that his close confidants have to take care of for him. Un-Afraid: Haydrian doesn’t always know when to cash in his chips, or when he has overstepped his boundaries. Spell List Raise the Dead: Haydrian can raise/summon small to large numbers of corpses, expending appropriate amounts of energy to do so. Sculpt: An artist in many ways Haydrian has taken to using his Change magic to mold various materials into whatever form he desires. Animate: Using his change and world magic Haydrian can cause inanimate things to move fluidly and abbey his orders. Grasp the Stars: Using world magic Haydrian can distort and affect gravitational fields. The Dead Still Live: Haydrian can see and interact with spirits of those that have passed away, and using world magic give them the limited ability to interact with the world around them, essentially creating poltergeists. Body Snatch: Haydrian can force a living soul and a dead soul to swap places. If the dead soul was a free floating soul at the time the spell is cast, the living soul still takes its place. [/hider]