[h2]Saber - Benienma[/h2] This... Benienma was certain now. This wasn't right. There was something wrong here. The fact that regular contact with the nun had so suddenly been cut off, the complete and total change in Saikawa Mary's demeanor... this coupled with the unusual circumstances of the summoning, with the strange behavior of the Servant and the failure of the command seals. With the fact that Hijikata Toshizo's disappearance after being mortally injured was somehow abnormal, as well... There was no way that these matters were all disconnected from one another. There was no possibility that they weren't. But how was another matter. What could have caused Mary's sudden change in demeanor, and her insistence on helping a friend summon a Servant in such a manner? There had to be something more there. Furrowing her brow, the diminutive Saber placed her hand to her chin as she considered the evidence that been presented to her. One particular potential conclusion stood out to her. If Mary suddenly began to act differently, ceased to act like [i]herself[/i]... "... There are many Servants that possess the ability to disguise themselves dechi," she began, "Those that do are often capable of concealing their nature as Servants as well. If that's the case... Masta, the one in that hospital might not be Saikawa Mary at all!" [@PKMNB0Y][@RolePlayerRoxas] [hr] "The Berserker Hijikata Toshizo's death was confirmed in a CCF report," the administrator answered, on the note of the potential defeat of the rogue Servant, "Unfortunately, the threat he posed was too great to attempt to take him alive. But this information will be incredibly useful." She paused for a moment, looking thoughtful. "This is troubling. It might be for the best to share this information directly. And besides-" She smirked, shrugging her shoulders as she did. "I'm bored. I need something to do!" With a wink, the Servant turned on her heel and beckoned for the small group to follow her. When they reached the tinted glass doors further in... "Unauthorized-" "Oh, you know who it is and why I'm here, don't worry about them~" she sated, waving her hand idly. After a few moments of silence, the glass doors slid open, and most surely a great deal of unseen defenses likely permitted entry as well as the Administrator lead the group inside. The hallways were octagonal, the walls dark gray and illuminated by lights in the ceiling. They were lead to a stairway further down, and then lead to another, and another... Rather then going upwards towards where the administrative duties were conducted, it seemed as if they were being lead further and further down... "HECATE can communicate through any terminal in this building, but it's for the best that we conduct a direct conversation," she explained, as they finally arrived at an enormous octagonal doorway. After a confirmation of the Administrator's identity, the massive doors slid open, revealing a truly enormous room. The pathway towards the center extended over a huge, seemingly-bottomless pit. Suspended above them, in the center of the room, was a massive blue-gray orb lined with lighter blue lights. Beneath this orb, was a small platform emitting a golden glow, an interface console at its base. And on this platform... There was a little girl. Wearing rather fluffy pajamas, her pale blue hair extending so long it seemed trail off the sides of the platform itself. Her feet dangled off the side of the platform as well, as she kicked them lightly. Notably, anything that hung from the sides of her sitting area seemed to be far more translucent... Her head snapped up, and for a moment she only seemed to notice the Administrator. "Aaah! Crowley! Are you here to talk about the spa-" The moment she noticed the [i]others[/i], the mysterious little girl froze, a look of absolute horror crossing her face. "... Kyaaaa!" All at once, she vanished, leaving behind only a few blue motes of light. "... Oh, dear, it appears she wasn't expecting anyone else," the administrator commented, shrugging her shoulders with a smile, "It'll only be a moment." Indeed, seconds later, another figure appeared on the platform. This time, she was a mature, pretty woman, hair tied tightly in a bun and wearing a business suit and pencil skirt, glasses on her face. "... A-ahem," she began, "Autonomous Artificial Intelligence HECATE, prepared for interface. What service do you require?"