“Haha! Sounds like a right treat! Me and da lads ere already had us a feast of our own not ta long ago, so we got full bellies. Still kinda wanna see how deez kobolds party, but gotta job ta do. Oh ye, and just so ya know while we managed ya push back da trogs, dere still a few creeping about. Not only dat but all da dead trogs we been cleaning up draw in some right nasty critters too, so deez sewers still got trouble. But at least it ain’t some war against monsters.” Yorik wipes his nose as he informed you of the other new threats, including things like slimes, undead, feral beasts, and there was also sightings of some big flying creature down here, but no kobold has been brave enough to find it. “Wif all dat said, we’ve been making sure dat deer’s patrols between Underhaven and Dragon’s Watch, ya Lee it safe down ere. So, if yer wanna head on over just lemme know and I’ll make sure ye all don’t find no trouble.” At some point in the conversation Shortfang left, only to return with nothing to show for it. “Mum not here. She at Dragon Watch maybe?”