[h2][b]Eri 'Moram - Freedan Nadd's Tomb[/b][/h2] [hr] "Very well, Sel, Arta, Rhanic, and Jerius, you are with me. Everyone else, double back to the last chamber and set up for an ambush. Jarraj, prepare explosives in the passageway leading to the ambush, but only where safe. The passage can collapse, but ensure the chamber does not." Eri instructed, with particular emphasis on her last warning towards the Unggoy. Eri took her beam rifle in her hands and was ready to lead the way forward, though gave one last comment towards Jerius. "If you are skilled enough with your thruster pack, then we should all be able to outmaneuver the beast. These halls are large enough to make use of them, laterally, at least. If you do not possess that skill, then you may keep your distance." She said before promptly taking the lead forward, with a particular eye on her motion tracker. [hr] [h3][b]Vael 'Virisusai - Aboard the [i]Taris[/i][/b][/h3] [hr] Vael gave a single nod. "We seek allies for this war. In your history, the inhabitants of this planet showed themselves willing to resist the Empire, before being destroyed for their efforts. You hope that the people of this universe are not dissimilar from your own." "Although, if I may make an observation..." Vael continued, stepping up alongside Erthos. "...I reviewed your history, as you provided it to us. This Empire is new to [i]this[/i] galaxy: a galaxy already fatigued from years of war. Alderaan has not yet felt the years of oppression you described from the Empire. Even if they already distrust this new Empire, the pain it will cause them has not yet been felt. You describe these Alderaanians as preferring peace, and only regarding war as their last resort. They may yet see the possibility of a peaceful solution to their problems with the Empire, so our goals may be more difficult to attain than expected."