Not sure if there's space here. But it looks like it could be a fun time; plus I think I've got a role that hasn't been filled in. [center][img][/img] [b]Masking:[/b] [img][/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Eric "Faces" O'Shea [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Mole Work;[/i] True to his street name, Eric is a man capable of donning variety of faces, both figuratively and literally, and puts his theatrical studies to work in the field. He can learn to blend with just about any crowd and fit into any environment without losing step. With an aptitude for acting and a proficiency in theatrical make-up and costuming techniques to change face, Eric is a good man to have on the inside of a job before the fact, and can just as soon cover the tracks in the aftermath. He fearlessly and aptly fills roles as an informant, a roadblock to pursuers and sometimes even a patsy. Drawing from what little experience he has from stage management and student-directing, he isn't half bad at coming up with skeleton plans for operations; he sees a heist as similar to a play and the location as a set, with the organization being very similar to blocking out the movement and actions of actors. [i]Self-Defense & Combat;[/i] While not necessarily an expert in combat, Eric has trained both formally and informally in self-defense, and can get himself out of a jam if something doesn't go according to plan. His focus is mostly in hand-to-hand combat and he's good at working in tight spaces and in crowds. He can generally pick up most close-quarters weapons without issues and can figure out basic firearms on the fly. [b]History:[/b] A man of the theater by virtue of study, through college Eric learned the trades of both sides of spectacle, making him both a proficient actor and a well-versed technician and designer. Originally, he took these skills into the field of law enforcement, assisting both civil police and government agencies as a plant with suspects ranging from individual crime bosses, street gangs and more notorious syndicates. However, following a fateful run-in with one Booker Conway, Eric became disenchanted with his role as a mole for the law. Realizing that most of what he was working to protect was probably better off being stolen, broken or undone, he answered his new calling with Conway's growing band of thieves. [b]Other:[/b] - The name "Eric O'Shea" is, more than likely, an alias to cover his tracks. It is also likely that he has permanently modified his appearance to avoid being found by his former employers. - Eric's mask made from a thick mesh material that functions in a way similar to a two-way mirror, allowing him to (when wearing it properly) to see out from it while still keeping his face hidden.