"Not war. The Empire won't even know your name." He said as the cargo ramp came down. "the misaligned grav plating is in here," He said as he led Blaine up into his ship. DD-3 wheeled over to Zir Go, turning questioningly to the newcomer than back Zir. A few questioning beeps. "Kid says he's a mechanic. I say let him try. Worst case, you have a crack at fixing it, or we just strap you down until we get to a world that can." He turned back to Blaine. "Sorry about that. The droid doesn't trust new people easily. A bit stubborn, like me," he explained. "He'll show you where the problem is." He turned to the droid. "You will," He said to the droid let out a sad beep. "Need I remind you that you are the one complaining about the problem?" A defeated chirp. "Good." He nodded to the droid before turning back to the mechanic. "I'll be in the living quarters if you need anything. The droid will show you where that is when you've done your job." He said walking down the corridor and turning left at the end.