[color=a36209]"Stop!"[/color] Faolan growled and turned on his heel to confront Lucien. He was now not watching anything he said, letting his emotions take over for his brain. [color=a36209]"This is exactly what I'm talking about. You always...always lead people on! You say things that make them think, I don't know, make them misinterpret your intentions. You did it in the bar with those women, and you're doing it now with me."[/color] Although he kept his voice low, his tone remained harsh and flat. He needed Lucien to understand that the way he spoke, his natural charm, it made people think that he was...interested in them. If he didn't want people like those women...like Faolan to misunderstand, he had to choose his words more carefully. He couldn't listen to it any more, he didn't want to think that maybe Lucien meant something more to him than just a friend. His head was swimming with confusion and...sadness now that had replaced the anger. Was this why he had gotten so angry? The thought of Lucien...being with someone else, spending his time and laughing, talking to, touching someone else...it made him upset. His heart began to pound again and the sound filled his ears. He didn't want to be confused any more, he just wanted to understand, for Lucien's words and thoughts to be clear to him. If he knew, if Lucien would just tell him...one way or another, maybe he could let it go...