Aurel and Akane watched with interest and almost amazement as Geralt expertly handled the cards. They couldn't deny it was interesting to watch. Aurel watched his hands move quickly and expertly, while he was proud of his own quick reflexes, he could not deny the man had his own set of skills. He wasn't sure if he could ever pull off something like that. Ivory watched him carefully, but did not share the same amazement the others did. It was to be expected he could do that much if he was a magician. [color=darkgray]"I can see why."[/color] She said, glancing at the joker card. [color=darkgray]"Clearly black is someone's favorite color."[/color] Her tone was flat as she spoke, not really directing the comment to him. She simply couldn't help herself. Her observation had pretty much been made clear at this point. The man was wearing all black after all, and despite her annoyance in the earlier morning, she had noticed the outside of the trailer he was now staying in had been painted completely black. [color=rosybrown]"It's so mysterious! Can you do other tricks like that? Was it really hard to learn?"[/color] Akane asked curiously. --- It seemed his words had helped Illyana ease a little, that at least made the Ringleader feel better about the situation. It would not have felt right to him to leave this off on a bad note. Lucien had made Illyana his right hand for a reason. While Ivory was very good at telling the carnies what to do, Illyana provided him with support when it came to handling everything and sharing responsibility. He really did rely on her a lot, but he also didn't want her to fall under the pressure of the entire situation. [color=burlywood]"You don't have to apologize to me. I didn't mean to sound as harsh as I did. We both have small tendencies to get caught up in our own thoughts."[/color] He said, returning the girl's smile, before placing his hand on her head and ruffling her hat around a bit before letting both his hands fall back at his side. [color=burlywood]"Ah, before you leave, there was something I wanted to consult you about. The last day, the consecutive shows. I was going to place Geralt last.. it makes the most sense to me but.. I wasn't quite sure who to place before him, since obviously there would need to be a practice on transition.."[/color] He trailed off, letting out a sigh. [color=burlywood]"Honestly in terms of flow.. I feel like Ivory is the best choice, but.. I'm not sure how well that will go, considering what we've seen."[/color] He wanted to get her opinion on it, since he was very sure that this decision would displease Ivory, but whoever he chose would need to spend more time with the man, and he knew the dhampir would hold her own against him. He just worried of how much they might end up bickering with no one around to stop them.