Lucien was startled slightly by Faolan's sudden outburst. This had not been the first time they had had this conversation, but it was the first time that the Irishman sounded so angry about it. There had been plenty of circumstances in the past where he really had unintentionally made women think he was interested in them. He never really understood why, since all he was really trying to do was polite to them. He always treated people with equal kindness, but it seemed that tendency seemed to get him into trouble. He really had gotten more careful about what he said lately, but back at the bar he hadn't been given too much time to process.. and with the alcohol clouding his mind, it was difficult to talk his way out of the situation and politely decline the women's company. [color=burlywood]"I-I'm sorry, Faolan! I've.. tried to be better about it, I just wasn't in the right state of mind. I.. wanted nothing to do with them. I wanted them to leave us alone I.. just didn't want to be rude.."[/color] He trailed off, and quickly shook his head, though that made his head throb. That wasn't the most important thing right now, he wanted to make sure that Faolan didn't misunderstand him. [color=burlywood]"I don't understand! What have I mislead you about!"[/color] His voice was a little louder than intended, but he couldn't help but be confused. He had always, [i]always[/i] been honest with Faolan, and he had never once said something to him that he didn't mean. If there was one thing he had valued in their friendship over the years after he had found out Faolan's secrets is how honest they were with each other. If there was something he was doing wrong, or if he was hurting Faolan in some way he didn't realize, then he wanted to know. The last thing he ever wanted to do was to hurt Faolan. There was nothing he loved more than to see him smile.