Ko'tanza did hesitate for somewhat longer than Sabine might have expected as she weighed the rist of waking Miruza in the process. It was rather likely that moving her around would wake her, but then again, she would almost certainly wake on the way back through the portal, regardless. She slowly moved her hand and motioned for Sabine to take a seat beside her. "Sure, just be careful. If you look into her eyes for too long, you might find her too cute to want to let go." Ko'tanza grinned. Gently and carefully, she handed Miruza to Sabine, still wrapped up tightly in her blanket. "Ko'tanza can still remember when her little brother was just this size. It's almost hard to believe that this one now has her own little cub. Hmph, even her brother is old enough to have his own cubs, if he can ever find the right partner."