[quote=@duskshine749] So as I lie here in bed I have a few questions to try and help me get my concept nailed down. So you said mind illusions are more like a hallucination. What type of magic would create hologram type illusions? Or is there a way to make actual temporary clones like in naruto? With change magic, say you could change fire to ice, would that same spell allow you to change ice to fire or would that require another spell slot? Also I’m thinking of taking a mind spell tentatively called “read intent” which would basically be a form of mind reading but more like “this person intends to lie to me” “this person intends to run away” “this person intends to feint left then swing right” would that be okay or does it cover too much. I’m just not exactly sure how strong spells should be [/quote] 1.) World Magic can manipulate light to create holograms. 2.) No, it won't require another spell slot. 3.) Spells can be reasonably strong, but rule of thumb is that anything that affects more than two dozen people at once or can instantly destroy a Wal-Mart-sized building is forbidden at the beginning of the RP.