This stuff was pretty strong. As you drank it, it was bitter but with a spicy sweetness to it that almost seemed pleasant. Than it hits you all at once. This stuff was way stronger than even Ferric's Breakfast Beer. For such small creatures these kobolds made a potent drink! You notice your steps seem a bit wobbly, but in this impaired state it's hard for you to tell with certainty if that's just what it looks like or if you really are swaying. No one else seems to notice at least. They were all focused on the food. What would come to pass afterwards were peaceful merriment for the night. The kobolds ate well, and many take great pleasures with the caramel apples you made for them. Very few had even had fruit before (As the sewers aren't exactly the best place to store temperature sensitive foods) and sugar was almost entirely foreign to them. Many of the kobolds ask you about how you make them, most of them mothers with their children. At some point there was dancing and even a fashion contest of which you would get to judge. Sure enough the kobolds, when not wearing their day-to-day attire, actually had some quite elaborate embroideries. While many of their outfits had only one or two major colors, the details in the embroidery or stitching was topnotch. Not to mention many of their clothing weren't even made from fibers like silk or cotton, but hides from various beasts they've hunted in the sewers. There was even a Trog skin dress which you wouldn't even recognize as trog skin until it was mentioned. Before it was just a very nice looking outfit that seemed to have water resisting properties. At the end of the night you would be give a place to sleep at Dragon's Watch in the old keep. The kobolds have done a pretty good job of cleaning the place of of all the blood, bodies, and the demonic ritual markings. It helps that there was a separate area for bunks and such too. Shortfang himself said that he would come in later, as he was hanging out with his mother and the other kobolds. A few of them who were part of the fashion show and very interested in him. Pylia herself got herself completely plastered on Mosswine and needed your help going anywhere. Super Drunk Pylia was also Super Loud Pylia, as she loudly started prophesying about the Defiance, similar to those religious weirdos back at the military camp. And while you weren't drunk when that happened you were still wobbly due to the Mosswine, so Buddy stayed nearby to help you. Dinah seemed to make friends with the kobolds too, playing games with all of the children and pranks on some of the more belligerent drunks. A clever kitten. [hider=Rolls and Info] And so the day ends! Unless there's anything else you wanna do, we can move onto the next day. Buddy doesn't really have much to say tonight aside from his own musings about the day's events. Dinah either sleeps nearby you or you can send her to the familiar realm. And finally, you're level 4! Yay! You'll soon notice your friends with new or stronger abilities too. Congrats on surviving the onslaught of trogs, I'm really tired of using them. [/hider]