[hider=Abigail] Name: Abigail Harlow Age: 15 Physical Description: Depending on the season, Abigail has two skin tones - pale and sunburnt. She's short and lanky, with knobbly joints, an upturned nose and snaggly teeth. Often has a spot or two on her face. Pale blonde greasy hair which she either wears loose, covers with an equally greasy baseball cap or ties up into an unappealingly tight ponytail. She wears thrift shop fashion or sports gear. Often smells of teenage BO. Important items: Empty Can of Redbull (full of cigarettes), Fake ID, Lucky Teatowel, Swiss Army Knife, Rollerskates, Frosted Pink Nokia Flip-phone (with stickers) and Duct Tape. Short Bio: Abigail grew up with her grandparents in a caravan that cruised around Arizona. They were fulltimers; a beautiful nomadic subculture of trailer park inhabitants that scuttle from Solero Springs to Redville Acres, from camp to park and back again when they'e outstayed their welcome. She didn't know her father and her mother was incarcerated around a decade ago for drug-related charges. They were kind yet misguided people who did the best for a little girl who found herself in an awkward situation. Where they could, Meemaw and Pops forced the impetuous rapscallion into whichever public school they could find. Her education was disjointed and patchy but it kept her occupied. They were the Catholic, god-fearing sort who, having failed their daughter, were twice as insistent to keep her demon-spawn on the straight and narrow. Abigail took to sports rather than drugs. Academia frustrated her but the rustic, eccentric and ultimately homely lifestyle of the various camper parks she frequented had imbibed her with knowledge that you'd generally expect to pick up from toothless old hermits and professional recidivists. She's bright, just not in the way you'd expect. Most of the time she doesn't elect to use her brightness, which probably explains the myriad of stories she's similarly accumulated over such a brief and tumultuous lifespan. Then one day, Abigail bummed a cigarette off a suspicious fellow outside a betting parlour and, on the walk back from school, saw an angel. She quickly came to the conclusion she was smoking wet, hastily tossed out her fag and went the long route home to shake it off. It didn't shake off the manifest anomalies that persisted after her trip. Fearing the reaction of the formidable Meemaw, Abigail packed what she could into a backpack and hit the road. She knew of one man - her mother's brother, one of those doomsday survivalist sorts, a veteran from Iraq with enough money to build himself a bomb shelter. Out of all the degenerate profligates she knew, he'd be the one who might just be crazy enough to help her. It didn't help matters that all she had was a name and an old facebook photo to go by. Skills/Flaws: + White Trash Encyclopedia: Well-versed in a vast array of little helpful tidbits ranging from repairs to pest control to lockpicking to varmint snares to shotgunning (sodas, of course!) to couponing. In other words, she's a bit of a jack of all trades, but only has a very minor knowledge in these things. + Macguyver: Living in a low-income and transient lifestyle has pushed Abigail to become resourceful. Anything's a weapon or a tool if you think hard enough, and Abi's trusty roll of duct tape helps to facilitate the process. + Jogger Junkie: Abigail's favourite sport is running. She enjoys her 8k morning jogs, her relay races, her marathons. She's fast on her feet and doesn't tire out easily. - Child: She's fifteen. This should be self explanatory, but it means she's not very strong, not very mature, not taken seriously, not allowed to drink, smoke or drive, can't have a job and should be in school - to say the least. On top of all the human repercussions of being on this earth less than her adult counterparts, it also means her spellcraft is erratic and hard to control. She doesn't know all the spells she can cast and the ones she can cast aren't that strong yet. Magic is also more exhausting to use. - Dumb Sombitch: Whilst gifted with a keen gut instinct and the gift of vibe-reading, Abigail's not all that smart; partially due to her age and partially due to her upbringing. She's especially vulnerable to Mind magic because of this. - Amber Alert: It's one thing if an adult goes off-grid, it's another if a child winds up missing. Even trailer park inhabitants look after their young. She's on missing posters and the news in and around the Arizona area. Spell List: Pick-me-up (Change): A minor healing spell, capable of fixing first degree burns, scrapes, bruises and lacerations. Telekinesis (World): Manipulation of a/some small object(s)'s gravitational pull. Astral Projection (Underworld): When sleeping, Abigail's spirit has the possibility to split from her body and towards a location of importance where she can see, hear, but cannot interact, with the objects around it. Her spirit can be detected as magic and controlled by adept mages. She has little to no control over where she ends up (dependent on GM) or when it happens. She cannot be wakened until her soul returns to her body, which inevitably occurs after 10 minutes unless it is trapped or controlled. More to come as Abigail learns and improves. [/hider]