[hr] [color=FF1493][h1][center][i]~ 𝓧𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓱 ~[/i][/center][/h1][/color] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8uOU3Sp6Xag/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][i][center]Location: Song Residential Home[/center][/i][/b] [hr] [color=FF1493]"Well just so you know, I am 100% straight for Rakan. Although I guess you can say that I'm not against...'experimenting' in the future if it ever comes to that. Hopefully not though."[/color] She then looks at Syndra questioningly. [color=FF1493]"That makes me kinda curious though."[/color] Xayah slowly approached the other woman on all fours. [color=FF1493]"ARE you bi?"[/color] At this, Syndra visibly flinched, her face completely red. Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't affect her in the slightest. However, due to Xayah's attire and current position, it was a bit hard to look at her with a straight face. It also didn't help that she was slightly pulling her tank top down which gave Syndra a perfectly good look at her cleavage. Coupled with the thin sheet of sweat that accumulated from their fight in space, and it made one hell of a sight. [color=9400D3]"..."[/color] Syndra could only avert her eyes sideways. Her cheeks were still red as a beet though. A small chuckle came from Xayah, followed by a fit of laughter. [color=FF1493]"AHAH! Oh my god Syndra's [b]GAY[/b]! AHAHAHAH!"[/color] She was rolling on the floor at this point with Syndra covering her face with a small tinge of shame. [color=FF1493]"Haaaah... Don't worry *snort*. We still accept you. I mean, we've got like 3 bisexual people in the team already. What's another am I right?"[/color] Syndra huffs and completely looks away.