[center][h1] Glaive [/h1][/center] Only for a few moments Glaive watched the others depart, before coming back to her senses, glancing over to Ashewell and the small sheep. Plus anyone else who had remained. She thought to herself about their surroundings. Food, water, shelter. All important. But at the same time, where to set up camp? Right where they were, on the edge of the water, where any passing craft could see them, or further in? Were there dryads or other forest spirits who would take offense to their actions? What if there were...if Ent were around they would have noticed by now, probably. Right? Regardless... [i]"Ashewell...charmed. Shelter is important. Anyone got an idea for how we can make something to store water in? Fire's going to be important. But we'll need flint and tinder for it."[/i] She mused to herself, considering what they'd need. Shelter was probably fine, Ashewell could use her webs to create basic shelter...maybe above ground areas in the trees to rest? [i]"Hey, anyone got a way we can erect shelter, either here or up in the air? Tool making aside, while I do not require food, the rest of you will. If we're lucky, deer should be around. And they're an invasive species...so killing them is fine, right?"[/i] Glaive wasn't ordering or doing anything too commanding, she just seemed to be more curious than anything else. Being a Warforged, even if not a Titan...did have its perks. [i]"Maybe if we take some sticks, and turn them into spears, we can hunt? Its that or we find some way to make traps...."[/i] Looking down at her hands, the thought of...snapping an animal's neck immediately made Glaive shudder. They needed to do something. She glanced around some more, then knelt, picking up a stick if one had fallen nearby, examining it slowly, looking to see if she could...use it for something, anything. If only one of them had spawned in with a survival ability or something...