Sylvia would gently try and to place Dinah on her own shoulders, trying to not wake the familiar up, and let her have a place to keep sleeping if the cat wanted to. After that, she would head out and take a look at the keep. Buddy was clearly busy practicing, and the sun wasn't even up yet. There were only five or six kobolds on watch, so it didn't seem like Shor or any of his team is here yet. So, trying to find them to sell the Wakestone might not be possible right now. She felt for the marker medallion around her neck, just to make sure it was still there for sure. She then came to realize something. The cultists were here...maybe there were some other clues here that nobody else had found? It couldn't hurt to do a sweep of the area, and the keep where the party rested. Who knows? Maybe she'll find something that she and Shor's group missed the first time around...