Without having to worry about trogs trying to eat you or being shot at by giant arrows, the keep itself wasn't nearly as big as the others made it out to be. It was mainly the one big wall, and even the keep itself was little more than a two-story stone building. Which granted, was pretty big underground, but you've seen subway tunnels that were roomier. It wouldn't take you very long for you to look around the area, trying to find things you missed out on before. Most notably, that big crack that you and the others came through in order to infiltrate into the keep. It looks like the kobolds were planning on repairing it at some point, as they've set up some wooden planks in front of it. And that itself gave you a clue of what to look for when you decide to check in the other wall. Inside here didn't look too different aside from the placement of tables, barrels, and bags, all filled with equipment needed to take care of currently broken balistas. But looking around the walls and you'd find what you were looking for; another crack in the wall. It wasn't easy to spot and harder to see into, but you could feel wind blowing through it. There was something beyond this wall and it led outside. At the moment you would lack the sheer force needed to break down the wall, but you know Buddy's good for that. Dinah, who was well awake at this point, also seemed curious about the crack in the wall, climbing up to peer into it while pawing at the crack.