"Not particularly." Ko'tanza answered, albeit with some hesitation. "Well...perhaps some trouble. In a way. He grew out of wanting to be a warrior or a mage, but he didn't really grow [i]into[/i] anything either. It seems like he does a new job every year. He trained as a scout, and Ko'tanza taught him some magic and alchemy, but then he also learned about building, and being an armorer, and even farming for a while. He seems happy enough, he just doesn't seem to like settling down. He is thinking about leaving the clans and becoming an explorer after the war is over, which...honestly seems like it might suit him. Perhaps we do end up trying too much and crowding him, but as long as he finds something he is happy with, this one would be satisfied." For a few moments, Miruza's squirming turned into outright crying, until Ko'tanza leaned in close enough to Sabine that Miruza could see her mother's face above her. "This one known you will probably be very busy these next few days, Sabine, but maybe we could still find the time to just relax together? Things are so different now, this one knows, but this one does still think back on our journey through Elsweyr, from time to time. Even with everything that was going on back then, we still did find the time to be friends."