The smile on her face faded somewhat as she turned back to her mate. Seeing his face, her ears flattened. Slumping slightly, the gestured halfheartedly towards the far pool of the fenced-in area, overlooking the bay. [color=#FFE58F]”Right over there.”[/color] She led him in, sitting down on the edge, trailing her legs in the water. She sat in silence for a few moments, staring at the water. Her attention turned to Rhaq’a, sitting next to her. Laying her hand atop his, she tried to smile, the corners of her lips lifting slightly. A sigh escaped. Her smile became a tad more complete. [color=#FFE58F]”Rhaq’a, I’m… Sorry. I know this isn’t you idea of fun or relaxation, but…”[/color] She paused, trying to figure out how to express the ideas in her head to him. [color=#FFE58F]”I just… I know you have, well, issues with intimacy and while I don’t claim to understand them from your viewpoint, I know the effect it has on you. I know we seem to have developed rather... Different reactions to the predicaments we found ourselves in earlier in our lives.”[/color] She scooted a little closer, pressing into him, [color=#FFE58F]”I just hoped that, well, maybe by making some good memories about it, it might help. But I don’t think I’m doing a good job of doing that for you. I’m sorry…”[/color] She was looking more miserable and ashamed of herself by the moment, [color=#FFE58F]”If you’d rather to back to our room, I understand. But the view here is lovely, isn’t it?”[/color] She looked out over the edge they were sitting on, the bay around Kugane sparkling in the starlit night. She gave his hand a squeeze, [color=#FFE58F]”I love you for you. You’re a wonderful, intelligent, kind, sweet man. And that’s all you have to be for me.”[/color] She gave him a peck on the nose, turning back to the bay.