Sorry for double posting, but I hadn't actually realized how many new posts had popped up here overnight and I just had to comment: Oooooo boy, Ashgan. If I were to include Blood Saints (and an official one with the Healing Church (presuming the White Healing Church), at that, rather than an undiscovered Blood Saint like Arianna) on the list of "races" and apply a rating to it like the others, it would indeed be [I]way[/I] down at the very bottom of the list. Barely stronger than a normal human and with no protection from death, but with some of the most desirable, intoxicating blood in the world pumping through her veins? It would take incredible discipline to resist assaulting her in the heat of the hunt. At least it might be an opportunity to explore something new that the game never addressed, if it comes to that: what happens when a Blood Saint turns into a beast?