Sylvia nodded and agreed with Shortfang, "They are definitely more likely to be the ones to use magic," She then raised an eyebrow, noticing how he seemed tired and sore all over. ...Just what had Shortfang been up to with the kobolds from the fashion show? She then turned her attention to Pylia when she spoke. She nodded in agreement at the mention of getting their stuff at the Silver Stag. When she mentioned visiting Ferric, she remembered Shor's words when they were inspecting the dead cultist's body. She snapped her fingers and she spoke up in realization, "That's right...! When we inspected the dead cultist's body, Shor said that he wanted to meet at Ferric's shop. So we might run into him there if he's not dealing with the politics!" She then answered Pylia, "Yeah, let's go to the Silver Stag first, and then visit Ferric,"