It was rare to find established settlements these days, and when there were establishments, they never lasted for long. John Woods had learned that lesson pretty quickly over the years, being a part of a couple of them as he started off in what was left of society. Things often quickly turned south whenever he had the displeasure of being tangled up in bands of survivors. Whether it'd be personal disagreements, disagreements about how the group was ran, or simply just resources running out and tensions running high. Someone would end up dead and the others would be nowhere to be found. John had quickly learned that it was better that he fend for himself. He was a lone wanderer. Once in a blue moon he ran into a group of survivors, but it was better that he stay out of their way. You never really could tell what the intentions of everyone was. He made the mistake of trusting them and he had just barely to managed to escape with his life as a result. After one too many close calls, it was time to call it quits. Any group, he tried his best to stay away from. Numbers were important in an environment like this, and he was never ahead in the numbers game. Though, sometimes, he just had to engage. He needed to survive, and if taking out a group was something he needed to do to survive, he was going to do it. Right now was one of those instances. John was running dry on supplies. At most, three days worth before he ran out. Coming across this settlement of sorts was a great stroke of luck for John. Now came the challenge of coming in and trying to get as much as he could. Communities like these were often very protective, and not very welcoming to visitors. It was more likely that they hold him hostage and take his stuff, and maybe even his life. John had very little reason to trust that a settlement like this would welcome his company. He valued his life way too much to even think about taking that risk. Unbeknownst to him, someone had spotted him while he was scouting out the settlement. John was in the middle of looking for weak points, potential locations to get supplies, and just how many people were there. It didn't seem like that big of a group. Maybe less than ten people? If he came during the night time and played his cards right, there was a very good chance he could've gone in and out without anyone even noticing until he was long, long gone. All he wanted was some food and water, and maybe some ammunition if he could find any. He didn't want to take any lives or hurt anyone. He just wanted to take some things and be on his merry way. He had determined that he was going to go through the rear. Getting in through a hole and onto the compound so he could duck and weave in and out of buildings. Staying low and staying out of sight, it should not be a rough undertaking. The guise of night should be more than enough to keep him concealed. The moon was his friend, and he was more than willing to use what it gave him for his own benefit. John was situated on a nearby hill, keeping an eye on the compound and watching people coming and going. If stuff got rough, John had a pistol and rifle handy to hold his own. Granted, he didn't have much ammunition left for it. He was hoping he wouldn't have to use any of it before he would hopefully get replenished. John didn't like having to take lives, but if he had to, he would.