Pylia nods, standing up and wiping her skirt down. "Works for me. Most of my stuff is back there anyways. We should also figure out what our indefinite living situation is going to be, at least for the short term. I don't mind staying at the Silver Stag, but maybe we could work out some sort of deal with the owners? One gold isn't that much considering our current and soon-to-be wealth, but I'd rather not have to worry about them taking out stuff out if something in our adventure keeps us from paying the daily rent." Shortfang seemed to feel better now that he has a full belly, hopping to his feet and flexing his muscles. "Shortfang ready for anything! Get monies from Shor, buy shinies from Ferric! Shortfang need new crossbow, biggest crossbow!" He seemed to walk with a bit of a limp, but soon enough Shortfang's gait was back to normal after stretching and limbering up some more. Buddy also wrote a note down to mention his thoughts. [b][i]"If what Yorik and Pylia says is true we may need to investigate these cultists ourselves, at least while Shor is occupied. It won't be long before they realize the troglodytes did not take over the sewers and they may be covering their tracks as we speak."[/i][/b] Buddy's handwriting seemed to notably improve as well. Before his writing was a bit scratchy as he wrote with haste, but now he could write very quickly and it looks like he wrote in the same sort of super formal style as he speaks, at least when you hear him in astral form.