"Yes, indeed. You seriously haven't heard about the Rotom feature?" Marlon asked Cedric. As he noticed Cedric and Marilyn talking about their home regions, he used the moment to have an important conversation with Magnezone. "Hey buddy, there is something we have to talk about." "You remember when we discussed the day would come for us to part ways? As much as it saddens me, I think that day is closing in. Look buddy, I just got off the phone with mom and to be honest, I think her plans to take over from dad are going terrible. If we don't do something, she will defend the gym with only her baby Pichu. You need to go there soon and defend the Surge name." Magnezone hovered closer to Marlon and despite having a metal body, it rubbed its body against Marlon's hand. They talked about it before and Magnezone agreed with Marlon's view. "However, let's wait until we get to Professor Magnolia. I shouldn't walk through this region without a pokemon. And it gives us a chance to spend a little bit more time together." As they walked back to the others, Marlon overheard that Cedric hails from Sinnoh and that Marilyn came here from Unova (despite being born in Kalos). "I come from Vermilion in Kanto." he said. Marlon didn't mention that his last name is Surge because he wasn't exactly proud of his father.