Being forewarned about the ruthlessness of the Wynters was enough to know how they operated, so Lady Crest could counter their power games, even by using her blood as a way to lure them right into a trap just as the Order had done to Vail in order to capture him. Luckily that plan had failed on Gerald and Vail managed to escape. Perhaps physical strength wasn’t the answer after all. Gerald knew his strength was no match for Vail so hatched a plan like a clever wolf taking out a bear. In the battle for apex predator in this planet’s food web, would always be vampire at the top but humans would defy them and fight for their position as previously at the peak. Like homosapiens considered themselves higher than Neanderthals. She couldn’t rely on Vail’s help anymore if his father was so insistent on keeping his son away from the human he claimed to have fallen for. Although she wondered if he would hold the same interest if her blood wasn’t so addictive? That’s what lured him to her in the first place. He told her that he didn’t want her to make it worth his father’s while with her blood. His possessiveness over her was evident, especially when he reminded her she vowed to only be his and would hold her to that. Even if she didn’t want to be with Vail, he would still expect to feed on her. But their bargain came to an end when she released him of his duty to help kill Spencer. And it was truly over now Peter knew. She understood Vail didn’t want his father to take her away from him in any shape or form. If he did care for her, he wanted to be with her regardless of her blood being special or not. She wasn’t exactly going to ‘dangle the carrot’ in front of Peter. If she would allow them her blood, it would be by the bottle as her father used to give out to keep the peace between them. It aided their refugees to heal instantaneously. When Alex died, so did his supply of blood to the doorstep. She listened to Vail fidget in his seat to get comfortable. She merely hummed an agreed yes to him in response as her fatigue threatened to render her asleep any moment. He said she would be ‘safe enough’ here. Although she wasn’t sure with the earlier altercation with his relatives. She wondered just how many vampires lived in here. It was like setting a chicken loose in a cage full of foxes. As he told her to sleep well, he called her his Lady. It brought a small smile to herself to know he called her his. Would she really be his for much longer though? Peter had a good chance of taking Vail away from her and forcing him to marry Sylvia. Especially if he threatened to kill Victoria. She murmoured a ‘thank you’ as he told her to wake him if she needed anything. Just hearing that made her feel reassured that he cared about her welfare. She drifted into slumber before long. Victoria woke with a startle as she awoken from a nightmare. She had dreamed that Lord Spencer had gotten into this room and sank is fangs into her neck to drain her dry. She gasped and felt a cold sweat dripping from her forehead. She was slightly feverish. Her neck throbbed even worse. She touched it, it was more inflamed, and the wound area had grown. She shut her eyes tightly and knew it was infected. “Oh no...” She started to cough as her immune system didn’t have enough white blood cells to fight off the bacteria, she was already sick. She would need antibiotics. And quickly.