[Center][h2]Lord Stoneheart[/h2][/center] I stop looting Draxxal and look up at Jerus. In my hand, I hold what looks like Draxxal’s security badge, and I slip it into a pouch on my belt. With a casual gesture, I slide Draxxal’s datapad across the ground towards Jerus. “Take it. Might be useful.” Rising to my feet, I make a running jump off of the platform and disappear into the night. [Center][h2]Cosen Greshh [/h2][/center] I sit next to Jakito, who has since passed out from his injuries. I, on the other hand, am making an active effort not to lose consciousness, out of fear of my possible concussion. “That wasn’t my father, Jerus... I thought it was, but I can sense it now. He’s different.”