Sylvia answered Pylia first, "We can certainly try. If we can't work something out, then we can at the very least pay another gold for the night, unless we manage to sell the Wakestone," She looked to Buddy when he wrote his note, and she answered him in agreement, "That's very true. And if we left them be, they might pull something like the war in the sewers again," She then stood up and after stretching a bit, she told her friends, "Right. Let's get going. Let's warn Longstrider about the crack first, and then we head to the Silver Stag," First Sylvia would find Longstrider, so they can tell her about the crack, and she would ask if they would be okay with the four of them busting down that part of the wall, so they can investigate the other side later. After that, she would lead the way out of the sewers and back up to Gransys, hurrying to Silver Stag.