[quote=Lucius Cypher] And that, Commander, is were the lessons must first begin: Despite the apparent similarities, Domination and Memory Alteration are two different spells. It's not just the power level, but also the utility. Memory Alteration largely leaves the victim in control of themselves and mostly unchanged in personality, it's simply their own recollection that's effected. Memory Alteration must also be carefully planned; you can't simply use it on a thirty year old man and convince him that he's a baby girl. It might work for the first few minutes, but once he starts acting like a grown adult man the illusion breaks. Domination is different; it will force that man to be a baby girl against his will and logic. And despite this, Satori didn't even use Memory Alteration, but a simply a Wide Concentration Illusion based on individual memories. She didn't try to overwrite them, she just showed them random nightmares based on them.Also I can't think of anything else to post for Annabeth, so I'm going to say that she eventually wondered off and found herself a room to sleep in for the night. Everyone else is pretty much in the same boat. [/quote] Indeed, and I suppose one would not necessarily need Domination to manipulate others' opinions. Take their memories and thoughts to learn what they appreciate or believe, use that to form your words, maybe subtly stimulate the proper emotions when you speak. Depending on the situation, throw in an illusion like what Satori did. I imagine there is a lot you could do if you're smart about it. I just need to figure out this whole thing with focused vs wide.