By the time the students are able to learn Domination, it'd be useless due to the skills they've acquired to achieve a similar effect. Psychomancy is the magic of subtly; Domination is the opposite of that, using sheer force to have your way. That being said, it's still useful to break down mental wards. As for Focused and Wide Concentrations, I'd like to go over that in the IC, but the basic idea boils down to this: Wide - Cheap and weak AoE attacks or moderate Mental barriers. Focused - Strong but slow homing attacks or a powerful mental shield. [quote=Leon5431] I am curious, is their any way for a none phsycomancer to protect themselves from having their minds read by a phsycomancer? I believe Fallen said there was a rune for blocking mind reading but I am curious if there is any other way. [/quote] Yeah, Warding classes. Psychomancers will be taking as mandatory for their magic classes, but other mages can also learn how to create wards if they sign up for them. You could always try for runes and such too, but than you'd have to be reliant on an object instead of your abilities. I'd say more, but I don't know how Fallen plans to create Anti-Psychomancy Runes.