[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/avertastevia-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191020/cb995e8dd02995aa1ea9f1a690dbb411.png[/img][/url] [/center] [center][img]https://wallpapercave.com/wp/KULK50d.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Location:[/b] Hell. [b]Time:[/b] N/A. [b]Interactions:[/b] None. Vitius let his gaze wander over the dilapidated architecture and blown out buildings, his entire body on high alert. He may have been here before, and it's denizens might have ignored him for the most part, but that didn't mean he was safe. Nor did it mean he had room to be complacent. Any number of feral demons could be watching him, waiting for the prime moment to strike and rend him to pieces. As such, it'd be foolish for him to let his guard down completely, despite his familiarity with the place. Moving amidst the rubble, Vitius decided he needed a place to lay low for the duration of his stay here, and quickly made his way over to a nearby building whose windows were blown out and interior gutted. Making his way inside, the vampire quickly made his way over to a section of the structure that was both dark enough to hide in, and secure enough to where it wouldn't collapse while he was inside. So, tucking himself into a corner, Vitius cleared his mind and waited. And waited. And waited some more. And then he was back. Back in Tenebris. Back where he belonged. And apparently sitting cross-legged, in a full suit of armor, right in the middle of someone's bathroom. Getting to his feet, the vampire cautiously made his way to the door and opened it a bit, peeking out into the connecting hallway. Not seeing anyone, he made his way out of the bathroom, his armor now obnoxiously loud in his ears. Fortunately it seemed as though no one was home to notice. Making his way downstairs, ash from his clothing spilling onto the floor, Vitius made his way to the front door and attempted to open it, to no avail. It was locked. While that wasn't much of an issue given his superior strength, Vitius didn't exactly like the idea of having to break down someone else's door. So he tried a window instead, and found that he could open the latch quite easily, but also that he couldn't actually fit through the opening itself thanks to his suit of plate mail. Letting out an annoyed sigh as he wrenched himself free from the things grasp, Vitius walked back over to the door, rolling his eyes as he grabbed the handle and forced the door open with a firm shove, causing the wood to splinter and tear as the latch tore through it. Gingerly swinging the door shut behind him, Vitius let out a curse as he felt a sharp stinging pain surge across his face, which brought with it the sound and smell of sizzling flesh. Quickly raising his arm to shield himself somewhat, he pulled his hood over his face and turned away from the offending light, feeling the bubbling of his skin slowly come to a stop once the exposure had ended. Making his way through the sun bathed streets of what [I]seemed[/I] to be a suburban neighborhood, it was hard to tell since he was mostly blind thanks to the light, he swiftly sought out the nearest point of shade. Which just so happened to be plastic shed in a neighboring yard. Wrenching open the door and closing it behind himself, Vitius tucked himself in the darkest corner he could find and began the arduously boring process of outwaiting the sun.