Trina nodded and she slowly waved to Elaranna, "Oh no. Thank [i]you[/i], dear. Do be careful though. Buttons is a crafty little one. Best of luck to you," She watched as Elaranna left the shop, her eyes never blinking and never leaving the monk as she left. When Elaranna set out to begin her investigation, she found that the people hadn't seen any of the capuchin monkeys. Evidently, Elaranna finds herself at the prison. The prison is a large stone building, with some mold and other plant life growing on the outside. This was clearly once was a set of ruins that Nalukkhar clearly utilized fully as a prison. The guards are standing outside and other guards are posted about the keep. At the front, there was a guard posted who looked at Elaranna as she approached and he called to her, "Halt! Who goes there?"