[h1]Daedelus[/h1] Eggman watched the monitor as the picture of the small device appeared on it. "Hmmm, strange looking thing. This guy is one of those no-nonsense types. I hate those guys, especially working with them. No flair or drama in anything they do, just cold hearted murder." He shook his head. "I mean, what's the point in taking over the world if you can't have fun doing it?" He sighed. "Well, i'm sure i'd be able to wrap my head around it if I could get my hands on a working one and dissect it, but I don't suppose you have one of those." He then shook his head again. He then turned back to him. "Look, as for the Egg-boss, I think you may have missed something from my report. The Eggboss' aren't here to replace your crew, they are my greatest contributions to our war effort. Now, your ship isn't terribly large, but i'm sure you could find some space for the Egg Viper." He handed a datastick to the person at the comm. As the schematics appeared on the screen, showing a [url=https://media.sonicscanf.org/gallery/egg-viper/egg-viper.png]large, snake-like machine with cutting blades and laser cannons built into it.[/url] "Think of her as a good-will present. Shielded cockpit designed to repel both kinetic and energy based attacks. With that blast-shield at the front down, you can ram straight through several feet of solid titanium without scratching her paint. Those three modules on the tail carry laser cannons, a Megalaser at the front for pesky opponents, takes a few seconds to charge, but that won't be too much of a problem." He then motioned to the large spiked wheels on the side "And what sort of giant robot would be complete without the spinning blades of death?" He asked. "So, what do you think? Want to give her a look over? I can have one of my men bring her over for you to get started with, if you like?" He smiled a large, smug grin. [h1]Egg Carrier[/h1] Sonia nodded as Bishop explained the Naquadah. "I'm not much of a scientist myself, I'm a politician and a warrior." "Well, lucky that one of us is the understudy of Mobius' greatest scientific mind." Thunderbolt butted in. "And though I highly doubt you'll be able to make any meaningful improvements to the great Doctors designs, i'm sure that you can keep yourself studying this marvellous technology." Sonia made a throwing up motion to Bishop behind Thunderbolts back, before making a silent apology. She turned and began leading her way through the ship. "Although Egg-Carrier X is based on an older design, her technologies are second to none." She bragged. She finally approached the Shielding section and opened the door. "Through here is the main shield generators, we have multiple different forms of shielding to protect the ship from different forms of attack. Regular shielding for protecting against battle, but also elemental shielding, such as flame shielding, Aqua shielding, thund-" She was caught offguard as a shadow dropped down and grabbed Bishop, dragging him into the corner of the room as a series of clicks and hisses were heard in his ear. "KOFFAL, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!" Sonia screamed at him. "Intruder..." It hissed with a barely intelligible tone. "State your business." "HE'S A GUEST, PUT HIM DOWN THIS INSTANT!!!" Sonia said. Koffal let go of him. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN DOING IN HERE?! WHY AREN'T YOU GUARDING THE EGG?!" "Egg is guarded... Engine room more defensible... Warm... Safe..." It hissed. "WE ARE NOT UNDER ATTACK AND THOUGH I APPRECIATE THAT YOU ARE HERE UNDER ASYLUM, I WILL NOT TOLERATE ATTACKS ON PEOPLE! GET YOUR EGG AND GET BACK TO YOUR ROOM NOW!!!" She screamed at him. Sonia helped Bishop to his feet. "I'm terribly sorry about that." She said. Koffal walked over to a large pile of Energy Core cannisters. He moved the red ones aside and picked up the golden orb and quickly rushed from the room. "He is here on political asylum, he carries the egg of a queen. He's... Immensely overprotective..." She sighed. "After the first day, he made his way into the ventilation ducts and it took us 8 hours to flush him out." "Well, if you're done, let's get to the shields." She sighed. They started walking through a glass corridor, green liquid through the glass with fish-like robots swimming in it. "Elemental Gel, it's what powers everything, so naturally, we need to keep a large stock of it around, the robots are constantly testing it and keeping its elemental PH at a neutral level. All you have to do is expose it to an element and it takes that element on. Want a machine with ice-powers, drop a snowball into it, want it to have fire powers, drop a lit match in it." She bragged. "We can make more of this stuff, but it's slow going." She sighed "Hence why we keep the large stock. Also why-" She walked over to the glass and put a hand on it, before he saw electricity shoot from her into the glass and the electricity dissipated across it. "Advanced shielding" She smiled smugly. They continued to walk until they finally reached a room with a large machine, large cogs turning around it, and large pipes carrying the green liquid into it and more pipes carrying multiple different coloured liquids away from it. "This is the shield generator. We can use this to change the elements of the shielding. We use general force shielding for the most part, because the elemental shields don't really stand up well to energy or kinetic attacks. But it does allow Egg Carrier to go places most others can't. Start pumping the blue stuff, she'll be able to dive underwater, pump the red stuff and she'll be able to get within a million miles of a star. Yellow stuff and we'd be able to fly through an Ion storm like it wasn't there." "If you want some schematics, i'm sure we can get you some." She said, before looking at Thunderbolt, who shook her head. Sonia nodded, Thunderbolt shook her head more, Sonia put her fist in her palm and stared daggers at the chinchilla. "Yeah, i can get those for you." She said.