Real name: Roy Harper Alias: Red Arrow Age: 18 Appearance/Costume: [img=] Abilities: [list=1] [*]Expert Marksman: trained by one of the finest archers himself, Green Arrow, his accuracy is matched only by his mentor and a handful of other archers.[/*] [*]Hand to hand combat: trained by GA’s girlfriend Black Canary, Roy has mastered several hand to hand combat techniques. A hard-hitting exercise regime keeps him at peak human condition.[/*] [*]Deductive reasoning: Far from a master detective, Roy does have some detective skills, including tracking from growing up with the Navajo.[/*] [/list] [b]Brief bio:[/b] Roy was saved from a forest fire that claimed the life of his parents by an elderly Navajo tribesman named Uncle Brave Bow. Brave Bow raised Roy like he was a member of his old tribe. Roy however never felt like he truly belonged. With few friends there was little Roy could do besides practice with the bow. When Brave Bow passed on Roy was taken in by a local orphanage, Roy was 13 and so was much older than most of the children there. Roy would regularly sneak out at night to practice with his bow and Arrow. One night he stumbled across Green Arrow attempting to foil a robbery being committed by a man who was obsessed with time calling himself the Clock King. He was easily dodging Green Arrow’s arrows. Roy had a major hero worship of Green Arrow and leapt at the chance to help. He fired and pinned the crook to the wall. Green Arrow was baffled, but saw Roy fleeing the scene. Seeing the young man was a major reality check for Green Arrow, who had mostly taken up superheroing for the thrill seeking. Oliver Queen made the headlines when adopted Roy Harper. Roy wasn’t sure what this rich sap was doing until he was taken to the arrow cave. Roy accepted Oliver’s invitation to become his crime fighting partner. Roy took on the name Speedy, because he was such a quick shot with the bow. The two made a decent team, but Oliver found it hard to let go of his thrill seeking ways. A few weeks into their partnership Roy went off alone to investigate a LexCorp warehouse. Oliver had suspected Lex Luthor was up to something after withdrawing a business deal from his own company. Roy found himself strapped to an operating table. Roy later learnt they were attempting to amputate his arm. He heard something about cloning but he was too high on painkillers to understand. Green Arrow came to his rescue. The traumatising moment brought the two closer together, Oliver took being a hero, and training Roy as his sidekick much more seriously. Roy also vowed never to go off alone again for next 5 years he was Speedy. As time went on Green Arrow joined the Justice League and Roy became friends with Wally and Garth. Wally regularly teased him about his name and made fun of his hat. On his 18th birthday Roy decided to give up the mantle of Speedy and became Red Arrow. As Green Arrow was spending more time with the League and couldn’t teach Roy much more they both agreed he was ready to go solo. Roy took the name Red Arrow to honour his mentor and hopefully to stand as his equal someday.