Carver shrugged again, but she relaxed her vines enough that Lock would be able to let go of her. She didn't imagine Jack would let him carry her around until he figured out what to do with her. A loud, dramatic groan pulled everyone's attention away from the two tricksters for the moment. Doctor Finkelstein slowly sat upright in his chair, holding his head closed with one hand. He looked around at all the nearby monsters. He appeared dazed and confused, and most of the crowd backed up to give him space. "You okay, Doctor?" Corpse Dad asked nervously. Finkelstein blinked slowly. "I am... not sure what hap--" His eyes found Carver, and suddenly his expression twisted into one of rage. "You!" he snarled at her. Carver snapped her pumpkin head to face him and sneered. "I mean it's [i]always[/i] me, isn't it, [i]Dad[/i]?" "You [i]ungrateful[/i] brat!" The Doctor tried to move toward her, but the joystick on his wheelchair was jammed. He jiggled it a few times, then settled for a growl sent in her direction. "I gave you your very [i]life[/i], and [i]this[/i] is how you repay me? Dis[i]grace[/i]ful! You can consider yourself [i]grounded[/i] for the rest of the [i]century[/i], young lady!" "I'd remind you I'm not a lady, [i]Funkelsnort[/i], except I'm pretty sure that's already the only thing you never [i]forget[/i]," she snapped right back. She kept her vines wrapped up around her cage, but puffed them out to make it appear she had a bit more volume.