[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191025/b775f0ba0483060c7cb2b54cafacaf7b.png[/img] [color=yellow]MENTIONS:[/color] 「N / A」[/Center] [hr] Despite his paper incident, Donny was trying to keep steady in the race. He needed to forget everything behind him and focus forward: Focus on getting to that finish in first; High on the board at the start, and he'd keep it that way. Now, all he had to do was clean his mind, keep his surroundings in check, and not get distracted-- Instantly, he found himself distracted. He saw that woman; The one on the poster, and the one who was probably still smelling like horse shit. If he kept to her blindside she might not notice him creeping around to overtake her. But thoughts of running past her ran cold with the savage sight of her doing something crazy: She took one of those large metallic spheres from her hip, and to his surprise, she threw it at a horse in front of her. It almost reminded him of one of his boomerangs with the way it moved through the air; and the collision it made with one of the horses was enough to cause such a wave of destruction that it knocked out an entire [i]wave[/i] of racers. And to top it off, she caught the sphere as she passed by! [color=yellow]"[sub][i]Holy shit.[/i][/sub]"[/color] Donny muttered, mind adjusting to the witnessed chaos. How did she do that? There was no way that ball could do that; It made no sense! Donny found himself genuinely shaken by the display of talent from Jules. She was more fearsome than he could've expected, but that throwing ability... However she used that sphere in such a way? He wanted to do that. Oh, hell yeah he wanted that. It was badass, to just give the most minor reason for wanting to be able to do it. Though, with how he pissed her off before... She'd probably try to kill him at the end of the first stage. Thoughts wandering to the poster, he realized that he had some potential way to get her to play along. A sly smile crossed his face-- [sub][b][i][color=7ea7d8]"OhgollyOhgollyOhgollyOhgolly.."[/color][/i][/b][/sub] [i][b]N a n i ? ![/b][/i] Whatever smile he had was replaced with a large frown and wide eyes. That gunslinger from earlier had sped past him like a bullet! This made him realize that, for a fact, he was supposed to be racing right now instead of worrying about all the dumb shit. What had he just got done motivating himself to do?! Donny shook his head before his heels kicked against O'Riley, getting her to pick up speed. [color=yellow]"Shit!"[/color] He swore irritably, attempting to catch up to those damned racers. He barely offered the pile of flesh and broken bones any note as he raced past; Having priorities right now. These people were just full of damn surprises!