Sylvia listened carefully to Ferric as he spoke, and she had to admit, that sounded like a great deal. They could help out and they would get deals and free services in Ferric's shop. She smiled and answered in agreement, "Nothing wrong with being known as a do-gooder," She then answered Ferric as she gently accepted the cards, "We'll help you out," Come to think of it, there was a merchant who seemed like they needed help. The one who got robbed. This could help them figure out what happened, while Shor's busy with politics. Soon enough, Mica came back with a note and the charm. When she heard what Ferric said, her jaw almost dropped. She had something that cool on her and she never knew what it did during their time in the mountains? Dang, she needed to identify objects sooner! She commented "That sounds [i]amazing![/i] Thank you!" She then took the charm back and this time, slipped it into one of the many pockets in the sleeve of the Robe of the Fire Rat. She then looked to her friends and she asked "Is there anything you guys wanted to purchase before we head out and help out the other merchants?"