[hider=The Story] [i]It is the beginning of an end, the start of the country's last shogunate era. The Edo period has just begun, even as the nation fights against it. The Tokugawa now rule, alongside the 300 regional daimyo, and samurai command the peasantry under threat of violence. Much change will come with this new era, but before it can, the last gasp of what came before must be heard. The age of warring states, the Sengoku period, ended less than a century before. Battlefields still litter the countryside, and the land remembers the taste of blood spilled over its soil. Having swelled during the times of war, the yokai population is far too large for this new age of stability and creativity to support. They seek every conflict they can, working to push the nation back to war. Currently, the Ikko-ikki stand as the single greatest force of chaos in the land. Small groups of commoners, angered by the new laws of the Edo period, work with sohei to stand against their new daimyo with plans to overthrow the government in its entirety. Assisting them are the sohei, warrior monks who have stood against samurai armies from within their fortress monasteries. With the help of these monks, the Ikko-ikki form small groups all across the nations who work independently of each other to fight back against their local daimyo. Revolutionaries or terrorists, traitors or heros, their actions bring about bloodshed and violence. This draws out the now-starving yokai, who are eager to escalate every conflict to its absolute extreme. Seeing the danger, the sohei of the nation go to the Ikko-ikki offering assistance in their fight, but secretly work to defeat the yokai the conflict draws out. Most do so from within their temples, leaving only when they must. One such monk, however, has taken to traveling the country to fight the yokai. Along his way, this monk finds many unique adventures, and discovers that the world is a much grander place than he had been taught at his temple. While he travels, he meets friends and eventually companions. It is uncertain if he will see the new government unseated by the people, but it is his goal to see the end of the evil yokai that threaten his home.[/i] [/hider] _________________________________ Welcome to my interest check! If you've read the story, you have a general idea of what this is. If not, then think of it as a setting crossed between [i]Inuyasha[/i] and [i]Samurai Champloo[/i]. While it won't directly reference either of those two, it's set in Japanese history and culture and gets a lot of inspiration from those anime. I will be playing the part of a sohei; a monk warrior devoted to defeating the evil monsters of Japanese mythology, while also seeking to help the common man fight back against their latest tyrant. This particular sohei will be traveling the country, encountering many creatures and ultimately fighting to defeat the hidden mastermind who's behind all the chaos. Your character is... Yours! Samurai, priestess, ninja, fellow monk, even just a commoner; These are all options, and there are many more. This is largely how this will be most like the two anime. My character has his own goals and motivations, and so will yours. However, there is no clear path to reach their goals, so they largely simply exist within this world until fortune offers them the next chance to take action. Now, the technical stuff- -This RP will deal with a lot of 18+ topics and scenes, so will be done over PMs. As such, please be 18+. I, of course, am 18+ myself. -I write at an advanced level. I do not expect my partner to match me, but I do ask for at least a high casual standard. Grammar, correct spelling, and two or more paragraphs a post are all I'm really wanting. -We will be working together to create this story. As such, there will be a wide margin for creative freedom, but there also won't be any single over-arcing plot line. Be prepared to contribute, I will not be telling you a story. -Generally, I will post at least once a week. I ask that my partner be able to post, at least, that often. If you need to take a break for some reason, or need to miss a week, that's perfectly fine and I understand. However, going into this, please plan to post at least that frequently. -A note on language; You may have noticed that I use a lot of terms that aren't English. While I don't expect this of my partner, and will be happy to explain any term I use, I use these terms because they are unique to the culture this RP will be exploring. For the most part, I will use these terms consistently, but only when referring to something that does not have a perfect analog in English otherwise. It's best to think of these terms as proper nouns, even though most of them won't be. Alright, that's about it! If you have questions, feel free to ask here or message me directly. To anyone interested in RPing with me, but not interested in this specific idea; Please, feel free to send me a PM. I'll happily field all ideas and suggestions. While I make no promises I will take on all partners that come to me, I will talk to anyone.