[h1]Po[/h1] "I dunno, maybe we shou-" At that point, Jagen finally okayed them to go into battle. "I can start... If you want." Po asked. "Nah, i've got this." Tah replied. At that point, Po's hair stood up a little more as he jumped to his feet. "AWWWWWWW YEAH!!!" He pumped his fist. "NOW IS COWARD KILLING TIME!!!" A white aura exploded around him as he blasted off into the air behind Jagen. As they finally arrived, Tah floated next to Jagen. "Oh my stars, there's so many of them and i don't know who i want to beat first?" He giggled, looking around. Mostly humans, a couple of them wearing weird armour. "Oooooh!" He pointed at Negi "Look, it's the traitor! Come on, you take out the others, i've got this guy." He seemed to dance from side to side in anticipation. "YO TRAITOR!!! YOU GOTTA DEAL WITH ME NOW!!! HAND PICKED BY THE KING HIMSELF TO KILL YOUR SORRY BUTT!!!" He called. "Come on, boss, i'm ready, i can take him, i'm gonna bring his head to the King on a platter. COME ON!!! LET ME GET HIM!!!"