[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fMulm36.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#dbe3af][u][b]Location[/b][/u][/color] 🌑 Violet’s Home. [color=#dbe3af][u][b]Interactions[/b][/u][/color] 🌑 [@Shard] 🌙 Aiden. 🌑 [@MsMorningstar] 🌙 Violet. 🌑 [@NorthernKraken] 🌙 Colin. [/center] [hr] Violet lingered outside the door of her apartment, turned to the side to subtly block it from her companion's view. She feigned clumsiness, stabbing at the door with her key even though she knew it was unlocked. She couldn't hear any commotion within, but she knew [I]someone[/I] had stayed behind to ensure she made it home. Who would it be? Her overbearing mother, or her alienated brother? Violet sighed, slipped the key in the door, and opened it. Her gaze immediately traveled to the couch, where her father sat. They made eye contact, and she cursed under her breath. Her father was, to put it lightly, the best dad a person could ask for. When her mother was irritated, her father was the shoulder to cry on. When she was sick and her mother wanted her to go to school anyways, her dad let her stay in bed. He had gone halfway on the deposit for the apartment, and whenever she needed an oil change he was around. How the hell could she lie to him? [color=thistle]"Dad..."[/color] [color=darkkhaki]"Hey, Vi,"[/color] His gaze darted past her, into the hall that she was desperately trying to block. [color=darkkhaki]"Where've you been?[/color] Had he seen them? Oh God. He definitely had. Might as well work with it. [color=thistle]"Out. I didn't go alone, though. These are my friends..."[/color] What were their names? Would they even play along if she gave them fake ones? [color=thistle]"Come on, guys. Come meet my dad..."[/color] She ushered them in, pleading with her eyes for the hobo to put away his knives. At least for the time being. [hr] Casual interaction between ‘the rabble’, as Aiden’s father had Christened those beneath a status of wealth, was a minefield, for the boy. He stumbled through such conversations with little grace, and clung to whatever appeared available. However, the teenager could wear a mask, and he possessed a silver tongue. He had the ability to improvise, and he was most certainly no stranger to acting. Yes, not a single day in the silken palace of aristocracy allowed for honest representation. Rather, Aiden was expected to play a part, a role, which he had been assigned at birth. He was a rich man’s son, and the heir to a questionable company cradled by unimaginable treasure. However, that role could very well change, even if temporarily. [color=#b18f71][b]”Hello, Sir!”[/b][/color] Aiden spoke, raising a small hand as he greeted Violet’s father from a distant threshold. [color=#b18f71][b]”I’m Aiden, this is my brother,”[/b][/color] the boy thumbed at their mysterious time-traveler. [color=#b18f71][b]”I’m sorry if we worried you, the LARPing session lasted longer than expected, and my brother’s really serious about the whole thing.”[/b][/color] Followed by a small chuckle, Aiden presented a welcoming smile, and stepped into the young woman’s house, but only once she had done the same. As per etiquette at his own home, Aiden slipped out of his converse shoes, and gently padded towards the older man who had made himself comfortable on the couch. The Angelic boy proceeded to pull his hood down, revealing a large mess of black hair, which managed a splendid job of covering Aiden’s eyes in thick bangs. However, with effort, the boy managed to surpass the issue, large obsidian orbs resting above a small, pale nose. Indeed, a young, seemingly innocent face peered across the room, evidently fitting an otherwise petite, and scrawny frame which made itself all the more visible once Aiden removed his jacket. He extended his hand for the older man to shake, and maintained a practiced smile. [hr] The ‘apartment’ the woman was going on about appeared to be a living space, located in one of the huge towers that lined the road. Going in had been unnerving - it was even brighter in here than outside, like the bathroom earlier. Colin kept an eye on the other doors around them, just in case any more vampires burst out and tried to attack him. Now though, the woman seemed to be talking to someone on the other side of the door - her dad. She hadn’t mentioned her dad being there. Last time Colin had met someone’s dad… was that why the woman was working for Samael? Was she being pressured into it by her dad? If that was the case, she might be open to joining the Red Hoods. She wouldn’t be the first recruit who joined to get away from her family, and she likely wouldn’t be the last. Did that mean they’d have to kill [i]her[/i] father too? Colin swallowed the nausea that rose with that thought. One thing at a time. He followed the other two in, stomach dropping at the pleading look the woman gave him and the nervousness in her tone. Theory confirmed it seemed. He gripped the knives, still in his hands, tighter. Ready for any move the man might make. He fixed the man with a cold look. He didn’t appear to be a fighter, and Colin couldn’t see any vampiric traits. Spellcaster then. Likely one of Samael’s inner circle… maybe that was what the woman meant when she said she had tricks up her sleeve? If he could get to Samael through the inside… this might actually work. And all Colin had to do was survive the next few minutes. He watched the boy toe off his clean fabric shoes, revealing even cleaner socks - not a hole or a patch in them. Colin looked down at his own cracked leather boots - he hadn’t taken them off since the keep, and the laces were damp and thick with mud, not to mention the soles. The custom here seemed to be to take them off though, so he got down on one knee and tugged at the crusty knots, before yanking the shoes off. Nose wrinkling briefly at the resultant stench, he stood, realising a little too late the bloody stain his knee left on the soft beige rug that blanketed the floor. He supposed it didn’t matter too much, if all went to plan the woman would be coming back to the keep to work for the hoods anyway. He looked to the woman’s dad, the boy’s words making little sense, but he assumed ‘LARPing’ involved something to do with Samael. This must be a cover. He went along with it,[color=#88e312] “Yeah, our master was happy with the larping we did, I’m sure you’ll be hearing all about it. It’s an honour to meet you sir.”[/color] [hr] Violet's dad, bless his soul, seemed mostly unfazed. He shot Violet a glance, full of mirth, before rising to his full six foot four height. At one time, he had been a star center on the football team. Now, though, his belly had rounded and his body had grown soft. Taking a few steps forward, he extended his hand toward the shorter boy, Aiden, in greeting. [color=darkkhaki]"LARPing, huh? Didn't know Violet was into that, but to each their own..."[/color] His face crinkled merrily, and he let loose a gravelly chuckle. [color=darkkhaki]"Guess I'm just lucky to meet you, Violet never brings her friends around."[/color] He raised a brow, directing his gaze to her. Violet didn't move, her gaze lingering on the knives in Colin's hand. His grip had tightened. Was he going to attack them? She'd beat him to death with her bare hands before he ever touched her father. [color=thistle]"Hey, dude, you wanna grab that food we were talking about?"[/color] She gestured toward the kitchen a bit forcibly. Her father turned to Colin, pursing his lips slightly. [color=darkkhaki]"I didn't catch your name...I'm Leo. Short for--"[/color] [color=thistle]"Short for Leopaul, but my friends call me Lee, or Paul. You're not my friend yet, yada yada."[/color] Violet finished, sticking her tongue out at her father for a bit of normalcy. [color=thistle]"He gets it, we're gonna get some food."[/color] Another gesture toward the kitchen, and she began striding over to it. [hr] [color=#b18f71][i]”Well, so far, so good,”[/i][/color] Lumen commented, as the creature followed Aiden’s steps. [color=#b18f71][i]”Even the traveler has managed to stay in character.., that does surprise me.”[/i][/color] With an obsidian gaze lingering on this man, by the name of Colin, which was yet to be known, Lumen maintained surveillance. This stranger, he was quite filthy, which was a conclusion previously drawn, but now fully realized. [color=#b18f71][i]”And who, pray tell, will teach this creature to use the shower?”[/i][/color] At Lumen’s words, Aiden halted his stride with an abrupt stop. For a brief moment, he turned towards Colin, eyeing the weathered, worn man, before quickly padding to the kitchen. [color=#b18f71][b]”He might need a..,”[/b][/color] Aiden whispered, narrowing his statement at Violet once the boy passed her, [color=#b18f71][b]”shower.”[/b][/color] Clearly more humble than what Aiden saw on a daily basis, the woman’s kitchen was a reflection of her small home. Where some would perhaps consider the venue lacking, Aiden was not above calling it quaint. [color=#b18f71][b]”Maybe you should.., clean up, before eating, big bro?”[/b][/color] The boy presented, now aiming his words at the time-traveler with nothing between them. [color=#b18f71][b]”Cause’ uhm.., you kinda’ fucking stink.”[/b][/color] Unable to stifle a string of laughter, Lumen’s hand moved to slap Aiden’s shoulder. [color=#b18f71][i]”Savage.”[/i][/color] [hr] Like fuck was Colin giving one of Samael’s inner circle his name - who knew what kinds of dark magics he could do with that? He’d hung round Brighid long enough to know the power a name could have. He scowled at Leopold, before following ‘Violet’ towards the food. The boy’s suggestion stopped him in his tracks. Briefly, he glanced down at his feet, skin pale with cold and damp peeking through the holes in his socks, faint but definitely present tracks following behind him. Clean would be good. His stomach growled. Until now, it’d been lulled into silence by inactivity, but now food was [i]right there[/i], or so Violet said… Colin grimaced,[color=#88e312] “Can we not… eat first… maybe?” [/color] [hr] Violet shrugged at the man's words, continuing to walk. He was being a douche to her father, of all people, and now he was begging her for food? She could've left him on the streets to dig through garbage. Time-travelling conspiracy or not, he needed to be humble. Upon making it into the kitchen, she turned to him with a grimace. [color=thistle]"I dunno, can we [I]'eat first maybe'[/I]?"[/color] She mocked his desperate tone, planting her hands on her hips. [color=thistle]"Maybe, and this is just a suggestion, we can stop being dicks to the people who help us."[/color] God, was she looking to get stabbed? She really needed to check herself...but so did he. Sucking in a sharp breath, she released it in a sigh. [color=thistle]"Look, I'm trying to be civil, and you can't even put down the daggers? Are you just gonna threaten me until I help you?"[/color] Violet's dad, meanwhile, took his place back on the couch. He wasn't going to leave until he had the one-on-one confrontation he had promised his wife. But, he wasn't going to be irritating either. Violet had never liked him butting into her conversations, so he'd simply...wait. And listen. Maybe then he'd be able to figure out the asshat's name. [hr] [color=#b18f71][i]”I like this girl, she’s assertive, and her father was lovely. It is a shame I cannot interact with the man, he would surely have been pleasant company.”[/i][/color] Lumen exhaled a soft sigh. It was not always an easy prospect, being tied to Aiden and locked away from the world. However, their relationship, while uniquely complicated, was a shared endeavor. [color=#b18f71][b]”To be fair, we are already helping him,”[/b][/color] Aiden offered, his eyes curiously scanning the area for what presented itself. The kitchen in his parents’ mansion, while enormous, was sterile. Everything was sleek, every surface spotless, and one would be forgiven for mistaking the scene an elaborate picture, in the cover of a magazine. However, Aiden’s immediate surrounding sang a different tune entirely. This was a home where people actually lived.., in unison. A home. Yes, did Aiden ever truly have one? The saying ‘Home is what you fight for’, would very much have left him at a disadvantage. [color=#b18f71][b]”He won’t hurt you.”[/b][/color] The boy spoke, his dark eyes moving to glare at Colin. [color=#b18f71][b]”Arrogance will only take a man so far.”[/b][/color] A small, innocent teenager, indeed, but none could deny Aiden’s cold gaze. A ‘resting bitch face’, as it was, surely helped in that regard. [color=#b18f71][b]”But.., if it means anything, Violet,”[/b][/color] Aiden continued, pausing in his words for a brief moment, before continuing. [color=#b18f71][b]”Your dad’s.., really cool. I wish me and my dad were as..,”[/b][/color] another pause lingered. Clenching his teeth, the Angel shifted a melancholy gaze towards the living room. His statement would have rang true, if it echoed the fact that Aiden wished for a father, in the first place. [color=#b18f71][b]”Getting dinner ready will take time. You can clean up while we wait.”[/b][/color] Cutting his utterance short, in lieu of their previous conversion with Colin, Aiden proceeded where they had left off. [hr] Colin bristled. Yeah, he was being a dick, and yeah, Andi probably [/i]would[/i] have boxed him round the ears if she saw the way he was behaving, but he was currently trapped in a confined space with three possible servants to Samael. ‘Manners’ went out the window the second Samael decided to destroy humanity (Or whatever the fuck his end goal was. Colin didn’t know. Or care to find out). Still. He wasn’t sure about the woman yet, if he was right about her dad, there was still a chance she could be won over. A potential ally wasn’t something he should turn his nose up at, especially if it meant she didn’t have to die. The boy he was less sure about. He wasn’t a vampire, in fact, he’d accused Colin of being a vampire, and upon realising that he was human, he’d quickly sheathed his blade, which… didn’t make a whole lot of sense. None of this did. Which was why he had to find Samael and get back as soon as he could. And for that… fuck. He didn’t want to be defenseless, made his skin crawl, but if that’s what it took to get the woman to help? [color=#88e312] “Fine[/color]." he exhaled through clenched teeth, before bending down, slotting the knives into the sheethes at either ankle. He straightened, and showed the pair his empty hands, [color=#88e312]“Happy? If you fucking murder me now I’m gonna be mad.” [/color] [hr] [color=thistle]"Thanks, er...Aiden. I gotta admit he's a lot better than my mom."[/color] Violet chuckled, shaking her head slightly. This Aiden kid was quite nice, and normal...ish. She could imagine herself getting along with him in a less forced setting. Turning her attention back to the nameless hobo, she commented, [color=thistle]"Very,"[/color] She felt as if she had just stepped off a ledge, though she was still far from the warm embrace of safety. [color=thistle]"And, just a friendly reminder, we're not trying to kill you."[/color] If he were her friend, she would have punched him playfully in the shoulder. That seemed like the absolute worst idea with him, though. Turning to her cabinets, Violet threw them open, clicking her tongue as she looked for something that a time traveller might enjoy. She could make him some real food after he bathed, but he needed something to tide him over. Maybe a...granola bar? That seemed safe enough. She had protein bars and shakes which would really fill him, but those had cost her a shit ton and she was sure she wouldn't be getting a refund. Decidedly, she pulled out a handful of granola bars, the wrappers crinkling in her hand. With a bit of reluctance, she also reached into another cabinet that contained protein. This would be his gift for putting away the daggers. Moving around the kitchen, she brought out a shaker bottle, filled it with water, and dumped in two scoops of unflavored protein powder. Closing the lid, she passed it off to him. [color=thistle]"Here, shake this, and then drink it."[/color] Thinking for a moment, she added, [color=thistle]"It's not poison or magic or anything. It's good for you. So are the granola bars. I'll cook something hot for you when you're out of the shower."[/color] Heaving herself up onto the counter with ease, she kicked her legs lazily and stared at the odd pair in front of her. [color=thistle]"Bathroom's to your left..."[/color] She mumbled. Would the guy know how to work the shower? She'd have Aiden help him. [color=thistle]"So..."[/color] Her gaze drifted over to Aiden. The curiosity from earlier was finally beginning to come back, as her heightened sense of anxiety lessened. [color=thistle]"You're an Angel...yeah?"[/color] [hr] Lowering himself to a chair, Aiden gently drummed his fingers against the kitchen table. For the first time since meeting the two individuals now sharing space with the boy, hostilities had slowly faded, and a breath could be spared. Absentmindedly, the Angel’s hand slipped into his pocket, and from its confines, Aiden’s phone came to life. A row of text blanketed its screen, along with occasional pictures, each of which had been taken from a distance. Surveillance, one could call it. [color=#b18f71][b]”Yeah,”[/b][/color] Aiden responded, raising his attention towards Violet, before leaving his device on the surface in front of him. [color=#b18f71][b]”I was looking for a vampire coven, before I ran into you two,”[/b][/color] the Angel explained, his chin resting against the flat of a pale hand. Indeed, now dressed in little more than an unzipped sweater, Aiden’s leather jacket hung from a coat-rack in the hall. It left little to the imagination, and his petite frame was displayed far more evidently. Every finger was a slender digit, his arms lacking in muscle, and his torso flat, every rib making itself known. Of course, there was an adequate explanation as to why this boy maintained such a fragile display. Illness struck at a young age, and remained with him until Lumen’s embrace finally cured the teenager. However, it was not quite a cure, but rather a transformation. If Lumen by chance was to leave, it would result in Aiden’s immediate death. That fact was, however, mutual. [color=#b18f71][b]”I get that it’s difficult to believe,”[/b][/color] a small chuckle escaped the boy. [color=#b18f71][b]”You probably expected a hunk with golden hair and a chiseled chin,”[/b][/color] the Celestial continued. [color=#b18f71][b]”I guess it’s a big contrast from the little emo shit you ended up with,”[/b][/color] a faint grin bridged its way across Aiden’s thin lips. He was not above making light of his image, and it was often a source of faux ridicule between himself, and Lumen. Acceptance had come to find its place long ago. [color=#b18f71][b]”I don’t mean to be disrespectful..,”[/b][/color] Aiden spoke, [color=#b18f71][b]”but, you’ve already invited us into your home. Taking your food, as well, seems a bit overkill.”[/b][/color] A short pause lingered, before dark, obsidian eyes shifted to the Angel’s phone. [color=#b18f71][b]”We could order something, if you want. You’d have gained at least something from inviting two weird freaks into your house,”[/b][/color] he finished, leaning back in the boy’s chair, as he lamented his stated. [hr] Neither of the objects Violet handed to Colin seemed much like food, but he thanked her all the same, doing as she said and shaking the canteen she’d put the powder in. It was made out of the same shiny material as the doors in the bathroom where he’d appeared, and looking round the woman’s house, there seemed to be an abundance of it - all different consistencies, but clearly the same substance. Another of Samael’s developments - like the ‘phone’? Impossible to know. These two certainly wouldn’t be telling him anytime soon. He stopped shaking the container, and took a peek inside - the powder had dissolved, leaving behind nothing but a liquid that looked a little too much like one of Moonshine’s ‘magical healing tinctures!’ for comfort. Violet had said it wasn’t poisoned. She’d also said he’d travelled three hundred years into the future. Both claims were equally unbelievable, but at the same time, a little voice that sounded a lot like Andi reminded him that it was rude to turn down food offered by your host. He set the drink aside for a moment and instead looked at the little squares the woman had handed to him. They were encased in the strange material, some sort of wrapping to make transportation easier. He tore the packaging free, revealing some kind of oaty square - a flapjack, just packaged in Samael’s weird creation. They had flapjacks with the hoods, especially when they were going to be travelling long distances, and Colin couldn’t help the relieved smile that came with the wash of familiarity. He took a bite, and then another, and then more until the whole bar was gone within a matter seconds. Fuck. It felt good to not be hungry. He looked up, about to thank Violet again, and caught the tail end of what the boy, Aiden, was saying about money. Right. Shit. The keep provided accommodation and food for the most part, but the hoods still paid a not insignificant wage to both their recruits and the fully fledged reds. Colin didn’t drink like most of the order, and the one time he’d tried to send money home to Andi she’d sent it right back along with a strongly worded note he’d had to beg Brighid to read out to him. He’d never had a lot of money, but he knew, distantly, what it was like to be stuck in a big city without any, so he’d taken to carrying a reasonable amount with him on missions, just in case. He padded back across the carpet to where he left his boots, lifting up the worn sole of the left one and fishing out a small wad of tattered notes. They were a bit damp, but they’d do. He went back to where Violet and Aiden were, and offered them to her, not meeting her eyes “[color=#88e312]Err… thanks. I appreciate you not poisoning me. Or at least I’m guessing you didn’t seeing as I’m not dead.[/color]” he shrugged, [color=#88e312]"I dunno how much this is worth to you but I’ve got fuck all else to offer.”[/color] [hr] [color=thistle]"Nah, never been the blonde hunk of meat type. Always thought angels were just good dead people."[/color] She wasn't going to tell him that she didn't believe in whatever he was, at least for a time. Her mind had been more open ever since the accident. Besides, vampires, werewolves, witches. They were all real. Why couldn't an angel be? [color=thistle]"Anyways, you're not so bad. A little short though."[/color] Her stomach growled at the thought of pizza, or beef and broccoli, or a cheeseburger. She remembered throwing up everything she had eaten earlier, vividly, but she wasn't aware of how hungry she was until now. Rubbing at her thighs, she nodded at last. [color=thistle]"Eating out sounds good, I'm down with whatever."[/color] She wasn't indecisive, she wanted pizza. Opening the floor was the nice thing to do, though. As the man left, she tensed lightly. Apprehension around him wasn't what she wanted, but it came naturally. Just like breathing. He was a stranger, in the end. Hadn't even trusted them with his name. She let out a small sigh as he returned, watching him reach out. She tried, and failed, to meet his gaze, before scrutinizing what he held. The currency was damp, and looked very different from the bright colored polymer bank notes they used now. She frowned down at him, reaching out with slender fingers to push away his hand. [color=thistle]"It's okay...keep your money for when you get back to the past, or...uh, wherever you think you were before."[/color] A smile worked its way back onto her face. [hr] Tapping a pale thumb against the screen of his phone, Aiden moved past the documents he had been repeatedly skimming over. Once these pleasantries came to an end, he had an assignment which required attention. [color=#b18f71][b]”I know a good place,”[/b][/color] Aiden commented. Indeed, the angel did not eat, and much less did he order food, for himself. However, the boy’s best friend, who was incidentally his butler Charles, had a preferred ‘haunt’, as one might say. The two would often visit the establishment in between meetings, and the drinks mixed together behind their bar were of top quality. Granted, it was quite evident that neither Violet, nor the stranger knew of ‘Fratelli’, as it was a venue for the upper echelon. [color=#b18f71][b]”It’s my treat,”[/b][/color] Aiden commented, signing into their website with a required account. However, before the boy was able to place an order, he turned his attention towards the shady individual they simply knew as ‘stranger’. He had walked towards the hall, where money was procured from his boots. A disgusting development, to be sure. Clearing his throat, Aiden attempted to shift his focus elsewhere. [color=#b18f71][b]”Uhm.., what would you like?”[/b][/color] The Celestial asked, his dark eyes moving to Violet. [color=#b18f71][b]”We can just get the same thing for him,”[/b][/color] Aiden motioned at Colin. [color=#b18f71][b]”I don’t.., eat. So, I won’t be getting anything, except a drink.”[/b][/color] By ‘drink’, Aiden was referring to the popular brand Monster Energy, which had warranted some controversy, considering its name in relation to vampires, werewolves, and spellcasters. Of course, the irony of an Angel consuming the beverage was not lost on the boy. Had they gone to the restaurant itself, he would have enjoyed an artfully mixed drink of lemon, strawberry, and fruit. However, such was not a luxury afforded deliverance. [color=#b18f71][b]”Would you like me to get something for your dad, Violet? It’d be a shame if he missed out.”[/b][/color] [hr] Colin’s shoulders slumped a little as Violet turned the money away, and then they fell even further when he noticed Aiden’s hastily disguised look of disgust. Right. He was gross and should clean up. It was important. If he wanted to fit in. Maybe he should just leave. He needed Violet’s help to find Samael though. Clearly she was connected… He looked down at the money in his hand, then around at Violet’s accommodations. Everything was clean, warm, dry. Of [i]course[/i] she didn’t want his money - it was enough for a meal, maybe a roof over his head for a night, but for someone who worked for Samael, who could afford to keep all his minions this [i]clean[/i]... his money was shit to her. He watched the two interact some more, pouring over another glowing device (that somehow seemed to make food? Colin didn’t understand and wasn’t sure he wanted to), before awkwardly mumbling, “Is it okay if I use your shower?” He shoved the wad of notes back in his pocket, realising he still had them in his (filthy, disgusting, [i]not worth the air in the fucking house lad![/i]) hand,[color=#88e312] “I… err…. Don’t worry about food for me…[/color]” he directed this at Aiden, “I need to go look for Samael. He’s still out there.” this last part was more forceful, because he [i]was[/i], and Colin had to fucking focus. “[color=#88e312]That way, did you say?[/color]” he motioned to the door Violet had pointed out earlier. [hr] Violet's face scrunched, confusion evident in her features. She figured they had been making progress, or something. Maybe she was just confused, but when the guy wasn't talking about Samael he seemed...nice enough? Why was he all upset? She wished he'd respond to their politeness in a way that wasn't: A.) hostile, or B.) saddening. [color=thistle]"Oh, yeah...go ahead."[/color] She drummed on the counter with her fingers. [color=thistle]"Once you get out, I'll...see what I can do to help."[/color] Tilting her head at Aiden, she thought for a moment, [color=thistle]"Any chance they have pizza at this 'good place'?"[/color] [hr] [color=#b18f71][b]”Yeah, it’s an Italian place. Pasta and pizza, you know?”[/b][/color] Aiden managed a small chuckle, before his eyes lingered on the stranger. For a moment, the Angel fell silent. He had no intention of making their new ‘friend’ uncomfortable, but such inconveniences were difficult to avoid, especially considering how they were still assumed the enemy. [color=#b18f71][b]”And yeah, dude, you do need food. As far as I’m concerned, you’re human and hungry,”[/b][/color] the Angel frowned. This man was somewhat annoying, indeed, but his stubbornness would get him killed, and not through violence, but rather, hunger. Making their order, Aiden would eventually send it to the restaurant, and slipped his phone back into the confines of his pocket. [color=#b18f71][b]”Do you need help the shower,”[/b][/color] the boy asked, followed by a short breath. This was nothing he had signed up for, but things would get even more awkward if the medieval man was showed how to shower, by a woman. An old-fashioned thought, but such was the issue. History was not known for its liberal views on bathing etiquette. [hr]