[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=87d0f2]Callie Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385595321490735105/618646652835725313/image0.gif[/img] [i]Location: Washington DC, The Cherry Bomb Skills: Electricity Manipulation[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Callie smirked at her friend and nodded. [color=87d0f2]"Thought you'd never ask."[/color] She said, as soon as Veil made the two of them invisible, seeing the vague outline of Veil and herself. Having gotten used to going invisible with Veil's powers, she followed her friend closely as possible, she was pretty sure that they didn't have any kind of thermal cameras but they probably did as well. Following Veil down the set of stairs and noticed that there wasn't any kind of lighting down there as well which was kind of odd as well. [color=87d0f2]"Sure thing."[/color] Callie said to Veil, as she opened the door. She was then greeted with a set of yellow eyes before her. [color=87d0f2]"Well hello there ugly weirdo."[/color] Callie said, tried to light up the room with her powers, only for the creature, to grab her and throw her across the room. Feeling the wind getting knocked out of her, Callie attempted to electrocute the attacker. For whatever reason, either Yellow Eyes moved out of the way or she had missed completely only to zap her friend in the process. [color=87d0f2]"Veil, you alright?"[/color] Callie called out to her, hopefully it didn't hurt her.