Valanx wouldn't find anything without a security clearance, but he could read the folder names of several he had recovered from the drive: "Mental state records" "Weekly log" "Weekly therapy transcripts" "Physical state records" "Medication list" "Manifestation log" "Important information" "Family records" "Education records" So close yet so far, The files sat there taunting him with the information he sought, barred from his eyes by a simple password... _________________________________________________________ Rendyl bounded through the hallways, with Tango's dutiful directions leading her to the kitchen without error. She nearly skipped through the door, waving her hand in greeting to the few people she saw, only for her reverie to be interrupted by a voice she hadn't heard before, which in her mind she immediately dubbed 'scary lady'. She pushed some hair out of her face, listening ad tilting her head at this 'code velvet'? She looked between the captain and Luirae before blinking at the pair at the stove. [color=c4df9b][i]Question me? And newest recruit? Does that mean I'm going to be on the official roster??[/i][/color] She walked up and simply stood by the table, unsure what to do for the moment..