Agreed, regarding Haydrian. His behaviour is definitely something, and it's nothing like charismatic. It's exactly the kind of thing that would make IRL me - a 6"2 vaguely middle eastern bearded male, who weighs approximately 140kg and has a resting expression of general disdain - anxious to high hell. The words you use account for less than 10% of the meaning behind what you're communicating, and the tone you use them with is also less important than your body language; on top of that, when you're trying to find out the details about someone you really don't want to try and bargain with them for it, especially when they perceive you as potentially threatening or themselves as potentially vulnerable. Haydrian was too verbose, too verbal, and far too forward. Edit: [@Stitches] Yeah, I know what you mean when it comes to overdoing the formatting. I hope I'm not there yet, it's just that I have a bit of a problem with getting invested in individual posts sometimes since I'm busy as hell irl; when I spruce the formatting up and make it seem like it might impress someone, or at least like I've already invested effort, then it helps me finish the post with the same dedication.