[center][img]https://i.mycdn.me/i?r=AzEPZsRbOZEKgBhR0XGMT1RktFq9Tb8IpFOXiA4B5XxEWKaKTM5SRkZCeTgDn6uOyic[/img][img]https://em.wattpad.com/839049a5f53bf93727ccbc59f55060b910d3460c/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f55344b4a6f444c625931384661413d3d2d3535333633303137372e3135323034633633333331373430623436363435303738383030352e6a7067[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191109/0fda7dbe60dc6bbb5f70e79c60e8dd64.png[/img][/center] [color=8493ca][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]Mount Atlas & The Coffee Pot[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][indent][color=silver]Morning, 7:04 a.m.[/color][/indent] [color=9e0b0f]"Gods, I just LOVE this town!"[/color] Out on the horizon, the sun was just starting to rise casting the forest in an ethereal glow. The sky was a canvas of watercolors, painted in blurred hues of magenta, violet, and orange. Sage was lying on her back, a worn patch-quilt beneath her cushioning the hard ground. When outdoors one of her favorite pastimes was to lay and watch the trees dance with the wind. To just listen to the sounds of the twittering birds and babbling brook nearby and zone out. It was one of the few times her mind was put at ease, almost in a meditative trance. The sound of her twins' exclamation brought her back to reality. Aggressively slamming her back from the tranquil space in her head. With an annoyed grunt, she craned her neck to get a good look at the source of the disturbance. Atlas stood just a few feet from her, his gaze set out on the horizon and onto the silhouette of the town below. Today he was wearing his usual black fitted jeans, combat boots, and a purple buttoned collar. Dagaz, one of the Nordic runes depicting the "Dawn" or "Day" hung around his neck. To put it mildly, it was a symbol of destiny, of growth. The stylish shirt he wore, no doubt made of fine material, was hidden under a rather comfy looking pleather trench coat. Sage would kill him if the garment were made of animal hide. His snow-white hair that shone silver in the sunlight was down and shaggy, except for the two barrettes keeping his bangs at the top of his head. The sight of his hairstyle made Sage smirk as she thought of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/92/c0/98/92c098a9dbacf06e37cc945368f0b096.jpg]Rin Okumura from Blue Exorcist.[/url] Specifically, the scene where the protagonist had his hair up to beat the summer heat. All while eating a popsicle. Snapping out of her thoughts she reminded herself that the hairpins were to keep her brother's hair up while he worked... [color=7bcdc8][i]Work... Oh shit.[/i][/color] Atlas' arms were outstretched above his head as if in a cheer. He twirled around gracefully and with such glee that you had to wonder if he himself was starring in an anime. [color=9e0b0f]"I mean, just think about it Sage! They named a freakin' mountain after me~!"[/color] He continued to twirl as if in slow motion, only to stop and wrap his arms around his torso effectively hugging himself. Almost as if to congratulate the fact that he was an such an awesome human being. Sage smirked a tired, yet knowing, smile and glanced down at her phone. The time read just after seven in the morning. [color=7bcdc8][i]Yup, time to get going.[/i]. [/color] At around five this morning her brother had barged into her room and had woken her up with another one of his impulsive spur-of-the-moment ideas. Before working at The Coffee Pot he wanted to go to the nature preserve just outside of town and have a picnic. His winning argument to have "breakfast under the dawn". [i][color=9e0b0f]"We MUST carpe diem Sage!"[/color][/i] [i]He shouted as he nudged her blanket burrito form.[/i] [i][color=9e0b0f]"Seize. The. Day."[/color][/i] It was times like this that caused Sage to grow tired of her brother's dramatic flair. But if she had to be honest... it did get her out of the house and living life. The life that she dreaded to be apart of. If it wasnt for her love of nature and her sibling, the redhead would have simply thrown her alarm clock at his face and rolled over. [color=7bcdc8]"Atlas..."[/color] Sage groaned while pinching the bridge of her nose where a headache began to form. [color=7bcdc8]"Atlas you do realize that they had named that mountain BEFORE we came to live here?"[/color] Her eyes narrowed as she looked up at him with a point blank expression. One specifically reserved for him and his times of narcissism. Her brother frowned and after a beat, shrugged his shoulders. [color=9e0b0f]"Well it IS a perfectly good name. Maybe they had a psychic on hand. You know... one who foretold my presence."[/color] He gestured grandly at nothing while his sister rolled her eyes. [color=7bcdc8]"Sure..."[/color] Sage spit out. Knowing where this conversation was headed (absolutely nowhere), she decided to let it go. Reminding herself of the time, she sat up. [color=7bcdc8]"We gotta go Attie. Your shift starts in an hour and it will take half that to make the drive back to town."[/color] As she mumbled she began putting all the finished plates, cups, and silverware back into the wicker basket they had brought with them. Before folding the blanket, Sage tore apart the leftovers they had and spread it throughout the surrounding area. An old habit in order to spoil the wildlife that inhabited these woods. Without looking back she picked up their belongings and started making her way towards their parked car. The vehicle belonged to Atlas. His newly restored [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/67/6a/f0/676af0eee1046fdd55d7942f0b42e004.jpg]black 1967 Chevy Impala[/url] had definitely been his most prized possession. When they lived with their aunt and before they ran away, he had used the family money to purchase it. Without the car they would have never made it on their own. In fact, there were a few nights where they had to sleep in it. [color=9e0b0f]"Ah Sage..."[/color] Atlas cooed as he practically danced after her, jingling his keys all the while. [color=9e0b0f]"Where would I be if I didn't have you by my side?"[/color] She placed the basket in the back seat and closed the door. Before climbing into the passenger side of the car she met her brothers gaze with a sarcastic smile of her own. [color=7bcdc8]"My guess is homeless and living in a ditch." [/color] She chuckled without missing a beat. [color=7bcdc8]"Now come on, you are going to be late for your shift."[/color] As they climbed in a roaring thunder boomed surprising the two. Sage looked up to see the sunrise replaced by angry-looking clouds that began to roll in. A second boom sounded and suddenly the rain began to pour blurring the scenery outside. [i][color=7bcdc8]"Looks like we left just in time."[/color][/i] [hr] After a 30 minute car ride the two had arrived in Sol City. Specifically at The Coffee Pot where Atlas worked as one of the baristas. It was only part-time but due to his charm, the tips he received more than made up for the lack of hours. The siblings parted ways. Sage made her way towards a table in the far corner of the store. One out of the way where she hoped to disappear as she worked. She placed her olive green canvas messenger bag on the table. The bag was covered with various patches and doodles, obviously worn and had seen many years. In it was her laptop, sketchbook, a few pencils, and her trusty eraser. Before sitting down with her back to the wall, she took off her purple hoodie, pulling the fabric over her head. Today she wore more casual attire. Converse high tops that she always seemed to wear. Her favorite pair of blue jeans, bell-bottoms, had a few tears at the knees along with paint splatters from past creations. Under her hoodie had been a black tanktop revealing the few tattooed runes she had across her skin. One of which was on the right side of her neck just under her ear. The rune Wynn, an ancient symbol depicting joy and harmony. On top of her head, her scarlet hair was wrapped into a messy bun causing a few loose tendrils to frame her face. After draping her hoodie along the back of her chair she finally sat down and opened her laptop. Atlas walked toward the back of the store unseen by customers. He shrugged off his jacket and hung it on one of the many hooks provided for employees' belongings. He rolled his sleeves up to his elbows exposing the many bracelets and rings accenting his beauty. After adorning his nametag and tying on an apron the company provided, he emerged from the back and clocked in. Right away he began making his sister's favorite caffeinated drink, a peppermint mocha with extra whip cream and sprinkles. After placing the finishing touches on her beverage, he gracefully brought the saucer over to her table. [color=9e0b0f]"Made with love."[/color] He winked as he set the mug down. Sage smiled warmly as he turned and walked back toward the counter. It was while she took her first tentative sip that she remembered why she came here in the first place. Free coffee was worth a trip out of the house. Behind the counter, Atlas began prepping for the day ahead of him. Around 3 a.m. a baker comes into the cafe and freshly bakes all of the delicacies the store offers to its patrons. Bagels, breads, scones, cakes, cookies, you name it, The Coffee Pot probably has it. The baker always leaves before the store opens so Atlas had never met them in person. He likes to refer to the nameless entity as a magical being who produces fantastically tasting sweets overnight. Employees had first dibs on the leftovers at the end of the day and the rest went to local charities and homeless shelters. A wonderful concept according to Atlas, having had to rely on soup kitchens in the past. Carefully he arranged the pastries and other baked goods in a presentable manner. One of which effectively displayed the items they had for sale all while making them look extra delicious. Almost a work of art in its own way. The door to the store opened ringing the bell that hung from its entrance. Without looking up from what he was doing Atlas gave a half-wave of his hand. [color=9e0b0f]"Good morning! I will be right with you."[/color]