[b][i]Brightwell, Illinois, February 2020[/i][/b] Archer Guld was the first to arrive, the first to greet him. Gavin thought it was a good omen for the Time Mage to greet him without any hostility. So the young man said, "I have been informed of your existence, yes, and I have found out more about it using the… Abilities I have. Come in, Archer, this is a safe haven for now." Then to Kai, Gavin said, "You won't believe me if I say I found out by myself... But I found out by myself. And no, I'm not out to cause you trouble, or at least the kind of trouble you are acquainted with." He moves to let his fellow Magi in, then says, "That said, I have found out a lot that might make you [i]all[/i] uncomfortable." On seeing Dennis arrive, Gavin’s face would turn stern as he activated Supernal Vision. As the group was now presumably inside the Hotel Lobby, this meant that Gavin now had a measure of privacy to reveal his powers to. And that was good because the young man’s next move was to conjure up a ball of silver light on his cupped right palm turn it to Dennis and say, “Enough games. Tell your leader to come here at once along with his other… Followers. We’re in enough danger here without his’ bringing attention to us with a larger group.” Haydrian was going to be a problem, he felt it. But the Malakim chose to grant him both powers and the chance to reject their plan out of his own free will. Gavin just hoped that the man won't try and manipulate his way into leadership of the group... Outside, Sparrow Freemark, the hotel owner, ought to be keeping anyone uninvited from intruding with her strong Mind Magic. Gavin felt uncertain of her true commitment to keeping other Mages safe, but he’d take what he can get. After all, she had the same explanation he was going to give to the others. With a sigh of impatience, Gavin sat down on a sofa, ball of silver light still cupped in it, and said as Abigail entered, “We’re wasting time. I’ll start the needed explanation now and others can be caught up once they arrive.” He looked at the group and said, “You want to know where your powers come from, right? Where the winged angelic beings fit into all this? Well, I’ll make this simple - There’s a spark of divinity inside each of us, a spark of divinity that can be used or misused, and it allows us to do Magic. The winged beings are there to tell us that we are exempt from any command in whatever religion or non-religious belief system you follow not to use Magic… Or rather, that said command has now been repealed.” A pause to let the words sink in, “As to why, it’s because Magic is the force needed to save the world right now, to save the world from dark forces that even my abilities can only glean a little bit about. And so I, and perhaps a few other contacts,” A hint of people other than Sparrow as part of his group, “Are there to teach you how to use the powers you have more effectively.” The ball of silver flame flared up, then extinguished itself, then Gavin drew his left hand and lit up another globe of silvery light. “So, which of you wants to have your lives changed forever?” [@Haydrian Cindel][@Guardsman][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@duskshine749][@Bazmund][@silvermist1116][@Stitches]