[h2] Cragdor [/h2] After climbing out of the awkwardly oriented shuttle, Cragdor looked down at the screaming Sullustan. Despite himself, Cragdor couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy. Even a small, unlikely creature like this one deserved a chance to fight for his cause. The fact that he had been removed from the battle before it had even begun was no doubt shameful to him. Had Cragdor been in such a position, he would not have allowed D'orel to drag him away in a broken heap. Cragdor would rather plunged his blade into his own heart before facing the disgrace of becoming a cripple. Well... MORE of a cripple. There was little time for pity or self reflection though, as shortly after, the Scarlet Moons were awarded their first firefight of the day. It was disappointingly brief, but it at least got Cragdor's blood pumping. Looking over the remains of their 'welcoming party', Cragdor shouldered his E-5 blaster and hissed in approval. While the Major gave her orders, Cragdor did a quick head count of the dead. He'd managed to score a kill shot to a customs officer, and he winged one of the naval troopers, but failed to finish him before one of the other Scarlet Moons took him down. No points in wounding an enemy, but the officer might be worthy enough pray for now. Cragdor would consider this first bout as an appetizer; a small taste of the battle to come. Once Major Thel had laid out the objectives, Cragdor's Human friend, Ren, had volunteered to help take the docking bay. There was sure to be a lot of enemies there, and Cragdor found it commendable that Ren, thoguh unloved by his piers, would still risk himself to come to their aid. Commendable, and perhaps a bit foolish. They would not do the same for him. In fact, Cragdor knew a few beings who would have celebrated finally being rid of their token Human. Cragdor stepped forward to address Major Thel. "With your permission, I will lead a squad to the crew quarters. We will hunt these Imperials in their dens, and ensure they cannot mobilize against us."