[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=B37097]Pandora Quill[/color][/h1] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/279572891/original.gif[/img] [I]Location: Wichita, Kansas - Streets Skills: Deception, Pickpocket[/I][/center] [hr][hr] As Pandora left the restaurant, she fiddled with her purse before she felt a tap on her shoulder. She rolled her eyes and turned to face the same girl as before. [color=B37097]"Cute. Don't use my rules against me or next time I won't be so nice about it. Don't you have like....a mother or someone to be watching over you? Or shouldn't you be in school? What time is it anyway?"[/color] As Pandora finished her fiddling, she felt the pull, yet again, as her purse was taken by the goggle girl. Pandora would have been annoyed. She turned to the girl again. [color=B37097]"Rule number four: Don't make the same mistake twice in the same day."[/color] Pandora showed her hands and the girl would see she had taken out some essential items. Namely, her liscence, credit cards, and fake ID. She had left some things in there, partly due to error on her part in not being quick enough, but also those things were not essential to her. Goggle girl could enjoy the gum, the peppery spray, her compact, and lip gloss. Plus, the purse wasn't a favorite anyway. She had multiple ones back home. [color=B37097]"Well this has been a day. Now why don't you run along and go...fly a kite or whatever it is kids do. I have business to attend to."[/color] Pandora spun on her heel and walked towards home, away from the girl and the thief who ran in the opposite direction. If she was smart, she'd leave her well enough alone.