While perhaps mildly disappointed, Ko'tanza returned a nod. "This one understands. She cannot imagine how many important things you must have to do. You are [i]the[/i] Sabine Montgrave, after all. The great Dragonslayer from the songs." She laughed, laying on a thick, teasing tone. "But yes..." Ko'tanza continued, taking on a more even, serious tone. "...Khajiit will be glad for all of this to be over as well. The uncertainty is the worst. Both of us are...somewhat used to it by this point. We are healers, so we see people in their most dire of situations. We never really know who will need us next, and how badly they will be hurt. Sometimes there isn't anything we can do. But for this invasion, [i]everyone[/i] is going to be at risk. Ko'tanza does have faith in you, though, Sabine. Everyone does. Out of anyone that Ko'tonza is worried about having to save, she does not think she will have to see you, or any of your pack in her tent."