This whole situation was puzzling to Sylvia. The woman's refusal, how tired she was, the fact that they thought that the guards were either incompetent or didn't care unless they were getting paid... She then noticed Dimos. He wasn't just angry...he felt guilty. She could see it in his eyes. He had that look that he knew he did something dumb, but didn't realize how dumb his actions were. Just what did he do...? And...did his mother know already? Sylvia wasn't quite sure what to do or say. After thinking about for a few moments, Sylvia sighed. She knew that convincing the woman otherwise might be about as productive as trying to convince Pylia that there were no corrupt nobles. She then told the woman, "Well...the offer still stands. I can't convince you otherwise, but please think on it. After all, we're adventurers, not guards. And I do have experience catching thieves," Well, a thief, but that's besides the point. She continued, "At least talk it over with each other...and be honest," She then directed her gaze to Dimos and she commented "You'd be surprised how complete honesty can bring so much aid during these times," She then turned to leave, but she stopped and she added, "Oh! And by the shouldn't clean up the scene of the crime. By cleaning, you could be destroying evidence, and making investigation harder for anyone who wishes to help you," She then nodded and said "Sorry, we took your time. We'll be around in Gransys if you want our assistance," She then turned to leave, with her friends in tow. She fully intended to tell her friends what she noticed when they are a good distance away from the family.