Sylvia was surprised to see that Dimos had followed them and was asking for help. Despite the surprise, Sylvia followed Dimos into the alleyway with her friends and listened as he told them what happened and what his mistake was. Erandel...what could he gain from having businesses ruined by such acts? Her face was one of disappointment and sympathy as she continued listening. She could see Pylia and Shortfang weren’t happy with what they heard, and she couldn’t blame them. She herself wanted to clock Erandel herself. She let her friends speak first, nodding in agreement with Pylia. After Shortfang spoke and Buddy wrote his opinion, she answered, “Unfortunately, Buddy’s right. This is a complex situation, and if we just go after the gang like we went after bad guys before, then they can just shift the blame on to us. We’ll need to be smart about this. Like Dimos, our word is probably gonna count as nothing against this Erendal’s word. We’ll need evidence and more voices to speak the truth about this,” She then looked to Dimos and she told him, “Pylia is right. You do need to turn yourself in,” She the raised a hand in a placating manner, “Not to any guard willy nilly. We can bring you to the guards that we trust. Once you turn yourself over to them, they can protect you from anyone who might want you silenced, and you can help them with their investigation,” She then addressed him and her friends, “After that, we can gather information and figure what to do to nail this Erendal,”