[h3]Alexander[/h3] Alexander's eyes were pretty good. Usually. When he was actively looking for things and paying attention to his surroundings. And over time he'd learned to trust his senses as well as his instincts. So, when guys eyes told him there was something just to Astrid's right side and his instincts told him it was not a something but a someone, he immediately started digging figuring out what to do about it. For a start, he would have to be careful; Astrid was still concentrating, and a sudden move on his part could disrupt her easily. That was a no go, especially when this attempt seemed to be going so much better. Subterfuge it was then. Subterfuge he could do, even though it wasn't as flashy as he usually liked. He started circling around toward that area, slowly and quietly. He threw his gaze around to each corner, but every so often he'd steal a glance back to where he'd seen the figure, until he was practically right on top of it. Or so he guessed. Alexander couldn't very well see it, and he had to assume it could see him, but this way if it tried anything it would have to first go past him. Which, if he did things right, wouldn't go well for whatever the thing had in mind. "That way sounds good to me," he said in reply, "Ladies first."